Verse Of The Day
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Behaving

      This morning I had an early meeting at 8am. Emily was still sleeping and I let her sleep in. I thought after the meeting I will take her to the babysitter. Halfway through the meeting, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Oh no, I was afraid she will make noise or cry while I am on the conference call.

      She peeped into my room. All I did was put my finger up my lips, asking her to be quiet. She tip toe into my room and play quietly while I was having my meeting. Amazing, I just couldn’t believe it. She must have woken up on the right side of the bed. She was playing by herself until the meeting was over.

      Sometimes she has a stubborn character whereby you tell her not to do something, she will refuse to comply. I will scold her. The next time, she will learn to comply because she dislikes me scolding her. She did ask me not to scold her. I guess you just need to be stern once for them to experience it that you mean business.

      Published on August 22, 2007 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting;

    10 Responses to “Behaving”

    1. really…wow…….so clever emily. btw, Would like to find out more about this wonderful lady behind Michelle 🙂

    2. something nice for u on my blog 🙂

    3. Lyon still cry when wake up during morning time. 😡

    4. You? Stern? Nevah! LOL!! Okay, okay, I know you can be stern. Let’s hope this good streak of Emily’s keeps up.

    5. Sometime there can be really good and nice . Hard to predict 🙂
      btw, are you visiting my blog recently ? i cant find the link , only able to see “Michelle ” on the comments post. If is you.. i m very glad and hope to see u more often 🙂 thanks.

    6. Sometime there can be really good and nice . Hard to predict 🙂
      btw, are you visiting my blog recently ? i cant find the link , only able to see “Michelle ” on the comments post. If is you.. i m very glad and hope to see u more often & hope to exchange link with u too 🙂 thanks.

    7. Good dat sometimes the kids behave hor? Emily will comply the next time when u have scolded her, how nice. Des will promise to be good the next time but when the next time comes, same old story … sigh …

    8. Good for her.

      My daughter is 16 and she still chit chat with me when I am on the phone. Wish she can grow up. And my missus works at home. The girl will slame the office door shuts when the conference call gets loud on the speaker phone. Girl is most unreasonable at time.

      My son never acts like this.

    9. So clever and she even tip toe… 😀 En En who just turned 15 months also started to understand whatever we told her. When my PIL showed her their painful arm and explained to her they temporarily unable to carry her, she will just kiss the painful part (normally the wrist) and went away on her own. How nice they finally can understand. :angel:

    10. Yah.. Zara too sometimes amazed me with her good behaviour..
      I think when their ‘kan’ is ‘chik’.. they are very good.. unfotunately, it’s not straight all the time.