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Parenting Tip #6 Positive Reinforcement
We always like to say “No” and “Don’t” to our children. No you cannot have this, no you cannot do that, don’t touch, don’t run, don’t bully your sister …etc. All these are negative instructions. I bet you don’t like your manager telling you all the negative characteristics of you right. We like to hear positive stuff. If we hear positive stuff and build on our positive characteristics, it will outshine our negative characteristics.
Same goes for disciplining a child. Always use positive approach. Catch the good actions your child makes and praise him for it. Example, if you see your child keeping their toys, you can praise him while he is doing that. I assure you, next time around, he will be happy to keep their toys. By the way, I use this trick to potty train both my children.
Lastly, never call your child stupid, lousy and good for nothing. These words will affect them greatly and it will be in their mind subconsciously.
Published on September 4, 2007 · Filed under: Parenting, Parenting Tip;
11 Responses to “Parenting Tip #6 Positive Reinforcement”
thanks for sharing, agreed with u and simple love ur parenting tips, this is how i learn from experience mummies in the blog sphere.
btw, i had tagged u .. do mind ?? thanks -
michelle said on September 4th, 2007 at 11:55 am
Anggie: Thanks for the tag, I don’t mind ppl tagging me…hehehe. However I still owe a lot of ppl a log of tags. 😛 If you don’t mind waiting….
agree with you…try to use another way to correct though it is not easy…
I think nowadays parents seldom do that anymore ler….especially educated one. Anyway, sometimes we just loose control. So… haha…. must be very careful, ya? 🙂
I still say stupid word to my kids but in fun way! 😆
But Hubby will stop me once he over heard it. He said: next time pls don’t say my kids stupid. ok? 😡
I don’t use words like stupid or lousy.. but boy I use a lot of ‘naughty girl’.. NO, CANNOT..
I know they are not the right words to use, but it’s so difficult to control esp when I’m angry.
I know the theories, but practical wise… easier said than done. 🙠Well, who said parenting is an ez task?
sasha said on September 5th, 2007 at 11:57 pm
agree agree never never call them bad names….like stupid and all. very bad wan. imagine when u’re old they call u stupid pulak right?
This is really an important tip. There were so many times that I have felt like the no-no man. Sometimes I have to remember to say yes yes. Otherwise kids get frustrated.
Joanne said on September 7th, 2007 at 2:13 pm
Hi, Joanne here. Chinnee encouraged me to blog. So, I created a blog on showering your children with love – the right way. It’s good to blog and read others’ blogs as we can exchange views, learn and grow.
You’re right on that tip. I always use “Don’t” although I know that’s not good. Have to try harder.
Joanne said on September 7th, 2007 at 3:28 pm
Hi Michelle, I have just written a post on “Turn negative habits positive” on my blog and have linked your post to it. Thanks for reminding me that I have something to share.