Verse Of The Day
“A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:1-3)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Out Going

      Emily like me, likes to go out and doesn’t want to stay home. A few days ago, daddy wants to go out for walking exercise and she wants to tag along. It was getting dark and daddy didn’t want to bring her along. She stuck to daddy practically hold her daddy’s leg. Daddy told her that he is not going out anymore but went upstairs.

      Later, while she was watching leap frog, daddy sneaked out quietly. She didn’t even notice daddy went out and came back. However in between, she kept asking me where daddy is and what is he doing. I told him daddy is upstairs reading. When we finished watching leap frog, she asked me again. I told her to go upstairs to look for daddy. She came down crying, saying daddy not there. I went up to look with her and true enough no daddy. She reinforced saying “See daddy not around, why daddy didn’t take me out?”

      I told her that daddy may be in the study room. She opened the study room door, saw her daddy, she was so excited.

      Every time we told her we are going out, she is so happy. I guess we need to take her out more often. I can understand her because she stays at the babysitter whole day and nothing really excites her there. Yes, we will start her with school again next year.


      Funny Conversations between Tim & Emily:

      Timothy: Mummy, you didn’t bring the ultraman VCD to aunt’s house to watch.
      Emily: :giggles: Ultraman VCD cannot wash. Cannot put inside the water because it can spoil.
      Timothy: *speechless*

      Published on September 7, 2007 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting;

    6 Responses to “Out Going”

    1. alamak yr girl quite funny yeah kacau the kor kor like dat ..haha

    2. Emily 1, Tim 0. hehehe Did she do it on purpose or she heard wrongly? Such a cutie.

    3. Hahhaaha! Emily is so cute!

    4. the leap frog must be really that interesting to capture Emily’s full attention 🙂

    5. LOL…what a funny conversation 😀

    6. Zara will ask us where we’re going first before deciding if she wants to follow.. I wish she was like Emily.. just go anywhere with us.