Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Overwhelm With Blogs

      Finally I have read all through all your posts. I been away for 4 days and sitting in my Google Reader are 342 blog posts. One mummy had 52 posts within 4 days. *faint* I am glad I scan through most of them and skip through 60% of you know what posts. Hey can you gals slow down a little.

      It sure beat the number of emails I have in my inbox. It took me 1 hour to clear my inbox. I don’t like keeping unread emails in my inbox. I am so glad that now I am back on track.

      Published on September 14, 2007 · Filed under: Myself;

    8 Responses to “Overwhelm With Blogs”

    1. Wow, Michelle, you soooo hardworking ler…reading all those blogs and emails!! I respect you lor 🙂

    2. I have to catch up too. Sometimes I’ll just quickly browse thru and don’t even have the time to comment.

      I wonder how some of the bloggers can write so many posts a day. I guess I’m too slow.

    3. Yeh…I also got supporter..Har har…I also got problem catching up with all the bloggers…take me more than 1 day during office hour to read….

    4. i totally not dare to open my google reader 🙂

    5. Michelle,

      SORRY (3x). I know you’re tired but I have passed a tag to you because you have supported me. SORRY (3x) again.

    6. If I’m away for 4 days, I have to hit “Mark as Read” otherwise pengsan!

    7. wow… sometimes I also wonder how to blog hop so many blogs?? Even when I’m on leave… also unable to read & comment all the blogs that I’m interested in a day!

    8. yo, great name for site)))