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  • MyBabyBay

    • Colorful Hippo

      Emily has improved her coloring. Often she can hardly complete her coloring piece. She will color bits and pieces here and there but never complete a single piece. Today she finally did complete the picture of the hippo without help.

      I find that oil pastel crayons are better for teaching a child how to color. With color pencil, the child has difficulty learning to color the entire picture without seeing any uncolored spots. I guess it is the way they hold their color pencils. Often before finishing the area, the pencil gets blunt. With pastel crayon, the crayon covers a wider area.

      Oh well, not sure where Emily got the idea that the Hippo head is pink. :giggles:

      Published on September 24, 2007 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting;

    4 Responses to “Colorful Hippo”

    1. Geee….really clap hands for Emily lor…so far, Jona never finish his colouring…and for Isaac, he just ‘cakar ayam’ only….true, true, I also realise crayon is much better compare to color pencil esp for young kid – handling…

    2. bravo emily

    3. I also let Bryan use oil pastel instead of color pencils.

      Let her be creative la and experiment with colors…

    4. isn’t the crayon will make the hands dirty and sticky? Don’t like the crayon stick to my hands…