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Finally Emily learns how to spell her name. It is not that I want to teach her spelling so early but she constantly asked me how to spell her name. After repeating many times, I decided to teach her. I did the first 2 letters with her but my hubby beats me to it.
Hubby thought her mind mapping, something he picked up during his training to improve his memory. Mind mapping is a technique very good for students studying for exams. It uses key words and images on paper to help one remember. You can add colors to it to enhance memory. How does Emily mind map look like, here ya go.
Bottom line she is able to spell her name now. Bravo to papa! :clap:
Published on September 29, 2007 · Filed under: Emily, Parenting Tip;
9 Responses to “E-M-I-L-Y”
wow! bravo papa and bravo to emily!!
Papa’s drawing? Wow.. good!
Zara knows how to spell her name, but does not recognise the alphabet yet, so she says Z-A-R-A, but don’t know how the letters look like. 😛 -
yes… mind mapping is real good… i did that for my exam too. Papa very creative… bravo to emily too!
Mamajo said on October 1st, 2007 at 10:40 am
Wow, the drawing looks nice…and the outcome is fanstatic!! I will try to apply this for Jona (he only know ‘J’ & ‘O’ is his name)…he,he…
Jo-N said on October 1st, 2007 at 4:34 pm
Good job! I love that idea. I teach my son how to spell his name through “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.
well done PaPa and Emily…PaPa drawing very very nice…
This is a very good way of teaching the kids…bravo!
slavemom said on October 4th, 2007 at 2:14 am
That’s a vy good approach. But I’m jes wondering. Emily wud need to know how to spell those animals 1st b4 she can relate that to her name, rite?
michelle said on October 4th, 2007 at 11:03 am
slavemom: Emily just have to know what is the first letter of each of the animal there, which she already did. Like E for Elephant, M for Monkey…etc.