Verse Of The Day
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • A Brave Gal

      Last Friday, I was shopping alone with Emily. As usual, she will be on the stroller looking at things around. A clown gal shouted for on an upper floor asking her to go up. I couldn’t understand her as she was speaking mandarin but Emily asked me to go up. I did. She got a free round balloon and a twisted sword balloon.

      I took her to the Jusco sale. It was so crowded and people are just buying stuff like it was free. Trolleys were filled everywhere. Halfway through shopping, Emily felt a sleep despite the noise. I tied her balloon to the stroller and she was hugging her sword balloon.

      As I was queuing to pay for my groceries, a little gal saw the nice blue round balloon on my stroller. She is about 3 years old I guess. She came by my stroller, trying to get the balloon. I stood there looking at her but didn’t do anything. She was pulling and pulling. I wanted to give her the balloon but it was Emily, need to ask her permission first right. I don’t think Emily will give her balloon away. Anyway, the little gal was trying so hard to get the balloon. The mother came and pulled her away. She didn’t cry but later she tried again. I gave her a smile but she gave me a frown. Later her mother took her away. She is one brave gal.

      Published on November 26, 2007 · Filed under: Parenting;

    12 Responses to “A Brave Gal”

    1. the spirit of never give up!

    2. this girl is very determined to get it….

    3. brave..emm…like no manners le..

    4. haha never give up eh

    5. Maybe she doesn’t know that taking without permission = stealing.

    6. Sharine, Chanel, Jazzmint:Yes, I like her determination which is why I didn’t do anything.

      Huisia: I think she is too young to understand manners.

      JO-N: Hehehe..I don’t think it is stealing if she is doing it in front of me. 😛

    7. her mum should apologized instead of just pulling her off, rite!! like mom like dotter… 🙂

    8. Huh? Her mother jes let her try n try n try? *tsk tsk tsk*

    9. kiasumum: Pai Seh Kuah…:P

      slavemom: She was not looking at what her gal is doing.

    10. She is really brave and daring….if my Jona can have a ‘bit’ of her genetic… will be great!

    11. If it was Zara hor.. she’ll ask Emily to give already.. 😛

    12. i wonder if Emily is awake, will she give her the balloon since she is so determine?

      but then, prob not because she never ask.