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  • MyBabyBay

    • Transformer Toys

      Transformer, beside the movie, it produces a series of toys. The toys can be transform from a vehicles such as truck, airplane, space ship or car into a robot. I feel that the toy is very good for children because it helps them to develop some problem solving skills.

      Transformer toys come in many levels, level 1 being the easiest to transform and level 4 most difficult. It may take you a few minutes to transform to a few hours. I got a few transformers from US and it is cheaper that Malaysia.

      If you have a boy, get one of these for him. Let me show you how it works. This is the Optimus Prime – good guy transformer.

      Published on January 25, 2008 · Filed under: Toys;

    17 Responses to “Transformer Toys”

    1. whoa…i’m sure ur boy love this. mine still too young to appreciate

    2. Jazz: mummy enjoys it more…hehehe

    3. Cool toy! Maybe I shld get 1 for myself 1st, then pass on to CE when he’s old enuff to play with such toys. hahaha

    4. so bright color! very nice!

    5. I used to have Transformers toys also… they are wonderful… heheheh

    6. i just showed my boys your post and they said they want it-wor!!
      haha. indeed cool toys!

    7. i wanted to buy ian the original transformers toys but its quite esp. the non original looks so cheapskate and of not so good material

    8. wow…that is pretty fun toy la….my brother used to play all these last time.

    9. Wow, nice toys. I think my boys would love this too.

    10. I used to like to play with the Transformers toys when I was young..

    11. Jona got several of the transformers already and it seem he is so impatient with it….maybe, I should keep it and only give to him when he is older

    12. Jeriel is playing with the old model which belongs to his Sam Sok and he also has 2 which we bought from warehouse..He will turn n turn and Othniel will need to help him…

      Both father n son have the fun playing with transformer..

    13. hello michelle,

      got a tag for u, can u do

    14. i think jayden will koyak koyakkan all the parts. maybe later when he is older la..

    15. I loved playing with the ones my brother had last time! Must go and see if they are still there!

    16. Ya, my Jo loves it very much 🙂

    17. it’s great! will consider it for my boy next birthday present, haha…