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  • MyBabyBay

    • Valentine’s Humor

      What’s with the flowers? Besides being expensive, over price and selling like hot cakes. Do you think that Valentine’s Day have become too commercial. Yeah, I bet the florist or the choc stores are very happy with the profit they made.

      Anyway, yesterday I received a company memo stating that our guard house is looking like a florist shop and running out of space. Hey we have a big guard house. It shows how many available girls are there in my company. Ooh! don’t get me wrong, married women received flowers too. Wives are smart to tell the husband to buy diamond instead. :giggles: Back to the guard house, the admin asked those who were called, to go collect the flowers immediately.

      The message ended with “Unclaimed flowers by 7pm will be disposed”. Some of the guys jokingly said that they will stay back till 7pm, go the guard house and collect free flowers. I am not sure whether any of them successfully get a free bouquet for his love one as I went home early.

      One guy (last minute buyer) went to the florist shop to book a bouquet to be sent to the company for his girlfriend. The florist told him that there are too many orders, you want you have to wait and send it yourself. It shows that the florist shop owners get the last laugh, laughing all the way to the bank and those poor guys had a big hole in their pocket.

      Published on February 15, 2008 · Filed under: Humor, Special Day Event;

    8 Responses to “Valentine’s Humor”

    1. Gosh, I tried to hard to leave a comment here. LOL!
      Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.

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    3. SS: I use Adobe Photoshop, it is the best for photo editing. You can search online for simple tutorial for putting frames.

    4. Thanks, Michelle 🙂

    5. LOL

    6. hahaha…

      eh, you should promote your bear wrapping to your male colleague..another way to make $$…LOL

    7. To make it more personal, guys should plant their own roses 🙂

    8. this is the funniest Valentine post. lol.