Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Timothy’s Gift

      Timothy’s gift finally arrived, all the way from US. What is it? It is no other than the new version of a Bumblebee Autobot transformer. The car is a Camaro, the original was a Volkswagen. Timothy was pretty excited. He tore the box but it was tougher than he thought. He yelled out for mummy. I tore the box and transform the toy for him. It takes a while for him to learn.

      Yeap, I had to bid for it in Ebay. It was slightly below RM50. The original toy store called Hasbro was out of stock. After I ordered it, it was on stock again. Sigh.

      Daddy got a toy too. What is 8G has a cool browser and you can call people with it. Go to to find out. I managed to hack it too!

      Published on March 25, 2008 · Filed under: Timothy, Toys;

    12 Responses to “Timothy’s Gift”

    1. wah so syiok……daddy’s IPhone oso very syiok hahaha…..u all are really I supporters 😛

    2. It’s honestly *more than meets the eye* 😀

    3. wah… so nice leh tim’s transformer.. must b very excited

    4. soooo nice…Jeriel also likes Bumble Bee…

    5. Michelle, is that original or not?

    6. michelle said on

      wen: Yes it is original. is only selling it for US9.99. However they only ship to US address.

    7. wow another transformer for Tim! so syok!

    8. Wah.. you really kaki eBay. 😛

      With shipping it’s slightly below RM50? Very cheap. Normally the shipping would have been RM50!

      Your hubby ah.. iPHone loh.. and you know how to hack it? You very technical woh.

    9. Gee..the Bumblebee Transformer really look cool. And, I guess you really need to be patient to transform it into car or robot, huh? Guess Jona is so impatient with it

    10. the shipping fee can be that cheap?? i feel like going to bid one for jo..

    11. michelle said on

      Zara’s mama and Huisia: Yeap, if you include the shipping, it will be over RM50 definitely. Hasbro is charging US7 if you are sending it to US address and some Ebay sellers charging US10 sending it to Malaysia.

    12. Wow.. so cool! I always think Bumble Bee is the cutest in autobots group!