Verse Of The Day
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Happy Day!

      This is how I feel today:

      It’s a happy day, and I thank God for the weather
      It’s a happy day, living it for my Lord
      It’s a happy day, things are gonna get better
      Living each day by the promises in God’s word

      I sang this to Emily early in the morning..

         Happy Birthday to you
         Happy Birthday to you
         Happy Birthday to Emily
         Happy Birthday to you

      Emily sang this to me..

         May the good Lord bless you
         May the good Lord bless you
         May the good Lord bless mummy
         May the good Lord bless you.

      Isn’t it sweet that Emily and I are born on the same day? Precious. :jump:

      Thank you Vien for getting the lovely cakes made by Alice for me and Emily. Can you see that the pretty doll is holding an iPhone? :dance:

      Published on June 4, 2008 · Filed under: Special Day Event;

    14 Responses to “Happy Day!”

    1. You both born on same day?? Wow, how lucky are you….wishing you and Emily a Blessing and Happy Birthday!!!

    2. Happy 4th Birthday to Emily!!

    3. And…Happy Birthday to you, Michelle!

    4. HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY TO EMILY AND (u fill the numbers)TH BIRTHDAY TO MICHELLE! *heeheehee*

    5. Happy 4th Birthday to Emily!! and….
      Happy __th Birthday to you too Michelle!!

      Hubby (then boyfriend) sang me that song right before I went for my STPM exam! It really made me de-stress! haha

    6. That is just too precious! Happy birthday to both of you 🙂

    7. happy birthday to emily n mummy !!

    8. Happy Birthday to both of you!

    9. Happy Birthday to the both of you! Really very envy you that you share the same birthday with your kid!

      Hope the cuppies put a huge smile on Emily. 🙂

    10. Happy birthday Emily!!!
      Happy birthday Michelle!!!

      I didn’t know you & your girls are sharing the same birthday!!

      Nice & very pretty cup cakes!!

    11. Happy belated birthday, Emily and to mummy too! What a wonderful feeling to be sharing the same birthday as your child!

    12. Happy belated birthday to Emily and u, Michelle!!

    13. anggie@jeremy said on

      HAPPY Belated 4TH BIRTHDAY TO EMILY .. the cake was super nice

    14. happy belated birthday!
      the cake very pretty!!!