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  • MyBabyBay

    • School Shoes Days Are Not Over

      I thought my days of washing school shoes are over and I am so dead wrong. Yes, since my children started schooling, the washing of school shoes begun. At least until they can do it on their own.

      My hubby and I have different ways of washing school shoes. Let me hear it from you how do you do it?

      1. Do you soak the school shoes overnight before you wash it?
      a. Yes
      b. No, I washed it immediately

      2. Do you immediately apply shoe white on the school shoe when it is wet?
      a. Yes
      b. No, I wait for it to dry

      School shoes have brought back lots of school days memory. My school is known for the strict rules and our shoes have to be white every day. Here are some of the things I do to keep it white.

      I would take the black board duster and dust it on my shoe to keep it white. One silly friend of mine forgot to check the duster and her shoes were multi color when she dusted it on her shoe. :wall:

      I would take a white chalk and start working on the dirty area.

      If I am at home, I will paint the white shoe polish on top of it. When it comes to washing, the pail of water is all white.

      The last trick is to hang around the toilet or library until the prefect finished checking.

      Published on July 2, 2008 · Filed under: Parenting;

    16 Responses to “School Shoes Days Are Not Over”

    1. Mamajo said on

      I’m lazy mom…so haven’t buy school shoe for my kids yet…he,he….so save washing it too 🙂

    2. we don’t soak..Othniel will wash when he takes his bath and Mummy will apply shoe white when the shoes are dried.

      using chalk reminds me of my time also…har har

    3. 1.b
      I wash my shoes immediately, but only cos mine are not very dirty. I use a scrub and the dirty parts are clean.

      I apply shoe polish when I have finished washing the shoe, then I dry it in the sun.

      and oh yeah, chalk is my favorite touch-up item too 🙂

    4. samuel’s school require black shoes so we still do not need to wash his shoes :p
      i remember sometimes we soak our shoes before washing (easier to wash) but not overnite and only apply shoe white wen its dry

    5. I soak it first… This post sure brings back memories….

    6. yeah, white chalks…had taught Wien did that lor! LOL

    7. Magictree said on

      I normally soak for few hours, then wash. I apply the shoe white sometime later ( not yet dry ).
      Sometimes, I’ll just do it immediately depending on my mood.

    8. I soak first. Then I apply when dry. Well, at least that was what I used to do. These days the kids don’t wash their own school shoes anymore as the maids do it for them.

    9. 1. b.
      2. I can’t find shoe white here..:)

      I used chalk before to keep my shoes white, but stopped after the school changed black board to white board.

    10. ai ya oni got 2 choices; a and b r?.

      I washed it not immediately after but after they were soaked for ~1 hour. Not overnite cos scare the shoe “reput”
      So i guess nearest answer for my choice is (1)-b.

      I polished them when they were slightly damp, not wet. Not dry too because the solid chalk shoe white wouldn’t stick.
      So again, my nearest answer is (2)-a

      Our school was not straight on blacken shoes. No touch-up required throughtout the week…

    11. I hv vy bad memory. I do rmbr washing n putting the shoe white, but I don’t rmbr the procedure. :p My kids don’t wear white shoes now.

    12. I don’t remember how I did it last time. I think I did both..that is wash immediately when I was too darn lazy (that means washing it on Sunday) and soak it overnight when the shoes are too darn dirty. As for applying the shoe white, I did it when the shoes were still wet.

    13. keke…i have the same answer as you :P…ya i remember those days when someone step on my shoes i’d go berserk scolding them LOL..

    14. i am lazy type, so straight away brush and wash it without soak.

    15. I soaked it first, apply shoe white when it’s dry.. and I charged RM0.50/pair (30 years ago) for washing my brother’s….. call me entrepreneur or what! 😀

    16. Hi there,

      Great story on school shoes! Mind if I “borrow” it for the BBGS blog for a shot of nostalgia. I’d be happy to attribute it to you.

      Cheers, Joanna