Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Whisper Whisper

      I have never been so left out and it is all my children’s fault. Here’s the story: One day while they were both playing in the living hall and I was inside the study room, I heard whispering. They usually talk very loud. Imagine most of the time, I have to remind them to talk softly. Children get excited easily.

      I love hearing their conversation too. However this time, I heard both of them whispering. Hrmm, I thought they were up to something not good.

      The last bit I heard was Emily saying:

      Emily: Don’t tell mummy bla bla bla..

      Mummy: Don’t tell me what… *I went out to check on them*

      Emily: No no no…you faster go to work. *giving her cheeky smile*

      Don’t you think there are a little too young to keep secret from their mummy, me? Oh they know what “secret” means too. So I felt a little left out.

      However, I hope when they are older, they will share everything with me. Now I must learn the art of making them tell me everything.

      Published on July 5, 2008 · Filed under: Parenting;

    8 Responses to “Whisper Whisper”

    1. hehe maybe they want to give u a surprise

    2. yes…i was thinking about that too…surprise!!! coz u are such a wonderful mommy to them. 😀

    3. haha…..the growing stage! Mich, any plan for new baby?

    4. They know how to keep secrets at a vy young age. My girl edi 5 but cannot keep secrets at all. So is that good or bad? 😀

    5. what if you “bribe” them with something they like?

    6. yeah… bribe them!!!

    7. i bet if you ask tim, he will tell..hehe..

    8. Yah, my sis shared with me that her teenage kids nowadays shares more things with each other than with me. I too, am trying to master the art of making them tell me everything. Hahaha.