Verse Of The Day
“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.” (Amos 5:14-15)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Almost There

      Yeap she almost there, she can switch on the lights with tip toeing. She is going to be 5 and she can reach the lights. One less chore for me, to help her on the lights. Now she can open the doors by herself.

      One thing that she constantly makes me or herself frustrated is when she asked me something which is very ambiguous and make me tell her. If I cannot, she will make a fuss or cry. A few times, I tried to divert her attention but failed.

      Here is one classic example:

      Emily: Mummy says what is kepala.

      Mummy: Head.

      Emily: No Mummy says what is kepala. *a little frus*

      Mummy: Kepala is Head. *blur*

      Emily: No Mummyyyyy say what is kepala.

      Mummy: Huh??!! *better not say head, later she will explode*

      Emily: Say What is kepala. Like teacher.

      Mummy with imaginary light bulb on: Emily, What is Kepala?

      Emily: Head *smiling*

      Mummy: :rolleyes:

      Published on February 18, 2009 · Filed under: Parenting;

    12 Responses to “Almost There”

    1. clever!

    2. hmm y is she like dat? or mayb shes pretending to be angry ?

    3. Hmm .. this is quite a strange “stage” of the kids growing phase. I wonder if my son will be like that too when he is slightly older???

    4. For time being Wien will help Lyon to do this job!

    5. hahahaa…. clever gal!!!

    6. At least the light bulb went off your head. I would have kept on saying head until the girl got mad and then I would have gotten mad at her for getting mad. Hahahahaha.

    7. Hi Michelle, you entered a contest at my blog pefore. Please check out my blog for a brand new contest. Thanks.

    8. heheheh i think she wanna be called “clever” by u la. Cos u ask her question then she answer then u will say “clever girl.” 😛

    9. sasha: I think so too…. 😛

    10. Haha….same like Isaac!!! I wonder whether it is because they are the youngest one, so, their attitude is a bit bossy and grumpy??

    11. I know wat Em wanted u to say coz my girl likes to make me ask her questions that she edi know the answers.

    12. Hey, that photo made her looked like she’s elongated.. no camera tricks or photoshopping?

      She’s really tall for being able to reach the light switches.. Or is your light switches lower than most houses?