Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Best Gift On My Birthday

      Yes, Emily and I share the same birthday. Coincident? No. I chose to have c-sect on my birthday. Scary thought. If anything happen, I probably live and die on my birthday. Of coz, the happiest thing was to be presented with the best gift for my birthday was a baby gal called Emily.

      Another advantage is that Emily will always remember my birthday, Tim & hubby will only need to remember 1 extra birthday and I will never forget Emily’s birthday.

      My family birthdays are the easiest to remember because it has a pattern.


      Pattern: 04, 14, 24 and 03, 06, 12

      Well, now you know why I stop production? It doesn’t fit the pattern. What a great excuse! :giggles:

      Published on June 4, 2009 · Filed under: Parenting;

    14 Responses to “Best Gift On My Birthday”

    1. ahahahah. my son n my birthday is a day apart..

    2. no wonder ur guys are maths freak…:lol:

      btw…Happy Birthday!!! How old already arh??? hehehe

    3. Blessed Birthday to you n Emily ….

    4. cant imagine her reaction if i tell my MIL this as an excuse .. hahaha

    5. I’m the loser in remembering dates, besides my kids, I hardly remember any birthdays. 😛

    6. Happy Birthday to u and Emily.

    7. Happy birthday to you and Emily! I like your new header. Your blog looks fresher and more colorful now!

    8. happy birthday to you!!

    9. happy birthday to you and emily!

    10. haha. like that also can ah!! try to find a new pattern and then start ur production again!

    11. Magictree said on

      Happy Belated Birthday to mummy and daughter!

    12. haha..lame excuse dear 😛

    13. A vy Happy Belated Birthday to u and Emily! Dun hv to worry abt the pattern. Jes choose to hv C-sect on 1 of these dates. 😀

    14. Happy Belated B’day to u n your gal! Wow…. this is very easy to remember ler… like some mathematics form… hehe…