Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Mother’s Day 2010

      Blessed Mother’s Day To You….

      Last week was a busy week for me preparing Mother’s Day Special for children in Sunday School. I am glad today seeing so many children bought their mother for the special event. Thank God for so much he has given for this special day.

      We started to have fun having mom and child game, one of it was asking the child to feed his/her mom dragon fruit. It was so much fun. Well tables are turn in this game because we wanted the child to feel how easy or difficult to feed their mom. Especially moms who do not like dragon fuit. The children and moms had fun!

      We also had a good Godly Motherly message by Teacher Laura. Last we ended with a craft the child does for their moms. They had to make a Mother’s Day card and a potpourri bag. They had fun!

      One most important thing I learnt was seeing how God continuously provide and his faithfulness never fails. When I was in doubt, not knowing how many children or mothers will turn up. When I needed help and was afraid I run out of time. It was really a stressful week for me but it was so worth it to make so many mothers hear the Godly message and the child learning how much his/her mom cares for them.

      On another note, while my family and I was eating lunch, my hubby felt a tremor which I didn’t. I told him maybe too many people were walking around. Well later I checked, there was an earthquake in Aceh which Penang got the aftershock. Some felt shaking at their condo and car park. I missed for the 3rd time, not feeling anything. Once in the church, second in my office and today at Old Town café.

      Published on May 9, 2010 · Filed under: Parenting;

    4 Responses to “Mother’s Day 2010”

    1. Happy Mother’s Day!

    2. Wow.. he felt the quake?

      Btw, Happy Mother’s Day to you.. although belated.

    3. Happy Happy Mother’s Day to you ……

    4. Happy Mother’s Day!