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Less Bloggers Now?
My Google reader feeds are down to double digits and sometimes single digit. I guess lots of mother bloggers have drop out or on a blog break. I remembered I used to get more than 30-40 of posts to read per day. Now some are in active for a long time.
For some that includes myself, do not write regularly. I guess my children have grown up and not much to write about them. They are not as adorable as when they were babies. They are going through a different phase. Who knows when they are old enough, they can take over the blog from me.
Anyway, if you are reading my blog silently, I would like to read yours. Or if you want me to read your blog, just put your blog URL on my comment box without “http://â€, just start from www….. This is to prevent my filter from ignoring your comments. I will add you to my Google reader.
Published on May 24, 2010 · Filed under: Parenting;
8 Responses to “Less Bloggers Now?”
Mamajo said on May 24th, 2010 at 12:58 pm
Count me in as ‘inactive’ blogger..haha…I guess too busy with work during office hour and back home, too tired liao, with me alone, manage cooking, fetching kids, ironing, prepare for tomorrow night dishes, washing, etc…the list just go on and on…haha…never imagine with growing up kids, I have less time for myself compare to their babies times
Hubby always complains I spend too much time online. I think I will become more inactive this coming school holidays.;(
chinnee said on May 25th, 2010 at 12:06 am
convenience of facebook is the culprit, hehe…
claire said on May 25th, 2010 at 9:57 am
Yes, some days are slow… not many readers.. the only way is to hop hop to other places eventhough we r not posting anything.. 🙂
Glad i come by.. this is the first time, i think…
anyway, greetings to u… from IPOH.. -
michelle said on May 25th, 2010 at 10:12 am
claire: Welcome. Good I can add you to my feeder. 😛
alicia said on May 25th, 2010 at 2:35 pm
i oso dun noe wat happen these days reli lost my mood to write hahahaha hasnt been bloging for months!!
zmm said on June 3rd, 2010 at 12:00 pm
i can’t keep up with google reader.. just read when I have time..
Btw, can leave comments on google reader too? That will make life so easy. -
Ditto! My posts are getting fewer by the day too, though I should still have loads to blog about, since both my girls are still young. It’s tough finding the time, as well as inspiration to write.