Verse Of The Day
“My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” (Psalm 62:7)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Reward Day

      I can hear her laughter a mile away when she came through the door after school. She ran into the study room and showed me her report book. Yes! She achieved her target that I set out for her. All smiles and grins from her. Both Tim & Emily got the same position in class which is number 10. I am happy for them. Emily scored full mark for both toughest paper that is Moral and Kefahaman.

      Last exam she wasn’t happy, she scored all As but position was 10. Tim scored less As but his position was 3. My in laws rewarded according to position. Poor thing, she was upset. I did reward her.

      This time around, I promised her a reward if they get more than 5A. By the way she changed her mind so many times on her reward. She wanted Lego Bionicle, later she wanted Telescope, later remote control car and finally she chose this:

      At least this doesn’t require any batteries. It is a guinea pig that she named “Dash”. It is only 2 months old. It is definitely much cleaner than hamsters. Now I hope my FIL will agrees to take care of it while we go on vacation.

      Published on November 9, 2011 · Filed under: Parenting;

    4 Responses to “Reward Day”

    1. it is a great present, and she could learn to take some responsibility from caring those lil one or ones?

      wahhaha….i hope my daughter in law wud not buy this for my grandchild and ask me to keep an eye. Not that i dislike but i am just so scared of any tiny living things!

    2. Well done to Tim & Emily! The name Dash is simply cool.. 🙂

    3. Well done to Tim and Emily! Did you let out hints to your FIL that he has to take care of the guinea pig? If no one wants to take care, put in pet hotel 🙂

    4. My girl has been asking for a pet as well, and I’m playing deaf 🙂