Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Isn’t this lovely? You can drink tea and admire the view in Cameron Highlands and also enjoy scones.

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    • First time I visited a mushroom farm and I was surprised that these mushrooms have beautiful colors and can be eaten. They make crispy mushroom chips which is very delicious. I heard that this is really easy to plant with the right temperature. By the way, I love to eat these abalone mushrooms. It goes well in Tom Yum soup!

      If you go to Cameron Highlands, you should visit the mushroom farm. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy…

      1 Comment
    • Raya Money

      August 14, 2012

      I was shopping at Mydin and found this. Now I guess you won’t mix up your Raya money. For some of you who do not know what this is, it is actually a money gift to the children during the Raya Festival. Most parents, elderly people or married couples will give the children some Raya money.

      I am sure someone will print the same for Chinese New Year. Will I use it? Maybe, just to trick my kids.

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    • Extra Grammar Lessons

      August 4, 2012

      My children’s school teaches very little English grammar. The English, they are learning is too easy for them. They hardly learn noun, pronoun, adjectives, verb and etc. Mostly they do is composition or comprehension.

      I bought some Singapore syllabus English workbook to start them on grammar. At least now, they understand the basic of English. They liked these workbooks. If you are looking for grammar books, I would recommend this. It has a lot of examples too.

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    • Quick Milk

      August 4, 2012

      I remembered my son didn’t like to drink milk after he was 8 months old. I was very worried as a first time mom. I had to spoon feed him during every milk time. Fortunately for me he learnt how to suck from the straw. He drank milk from the cup with a straw.

      Now for toddler who is facing problem drinking milk from the bottle you can try to use milk straws. It comes in many flavors like chocolate, banana strawberry or vanilla. It will be Quick Milk for your kids and you do not have to wait for them to finish.

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