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Issues With KSSR Education System
My girl took the final exam but the teachers didn’t reveal her marks or send me the report card. She got some of her papers back but not the Maths & Science. Now how do I gauge how she is doing in school The KSSR System seems to be very ambiguous. Up till now, I still do not understand the system and assessment.
My girl told me that the teachers only show some of the students the subject marks but not all. For KBSR, at least I know my son’s marks and I can help him to improve on certain subjects or area where he is weak.
I did receive the band report for my girl. Below is part of her report and it is very hard for me to tell which area I should help my child to improve. Band 6 is the highest. The Moral teacher gave her band 4 although my girl did a lot but the BM teacher gave my band 5 for doing not as much as Moral. The band ranking has nothing to do with her exam marks. She did get 100 for Moral, yet only get band 4.
But the report doesn’t mean a thing to me as I cannot tell how to help my child to focus on the weak area. I don’t get her exams paper back. Although I know she did above 95 for most subjects. Looks like I need to do my own assessment. This is the downfall of the KSSR System.
Published on November 13, 2012 · Filed under: Parenting;
6 Responses to “Issues With KSSR Education System”
As for JL’s school, we have both KSSR and also the conventional marks to know how he progress…
good and bad ya..for qiqi, everything in their school is still using marking and ranking system. Kinda prefer that and it doesn’t matter if qiqi isnt well in her exam.
ykristen said on November 14th, 2012 at 10:15 pm
My daughter’s school still use the marking and ranking system. Never saw the band system your daughter’s school is using.
Kit said on November 14th, 2012 at 10:38 pm
Thanks for sharing this. I was wondering how the KSSR system will be like.
First, I find it strange too that the school has adopted this band system, which is used for language assessment tests like IELTS. It’s a general indicator of a student’s level of performance.
Second, the teachers are slowly getting used to this new method of assessment. I’m also puzzled as to why you don’t get the exam papers returned as regular feedback on a student’s performance is very important. You should enquire with the school and yup, do your own assessment.
I think I will go nuts with the KSSR system and the Malaysian education system as a whole because it’s competitive in all the wrong areas. Sigh…
michelle said on November 15th, 2012 at 1:28 am
Looks like the different schools have different system now? Yeah I should have ask the teacher why there is no report card for my girl on her final exams.
Jesslyn said on November 15th, 2012 at 9:37 am
yala, my girl never got chance to take back her paper or report card too, the teacher said if parent want to know more,can go to school anytime.