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  • MyBabyBay

    • First In Writing Competition

      Last week, my son won first in writing competition in his pre-school cum nursery. I didn’t know that he can write that well. When he was 2, my MIL said that he can write well because of the way he holds the pencil. My jaw dropped when the principal told me the news. The funny thing is my hubby and my writing is not that good. At least mine is readable, my hubby’s writing is like the doctor’s.

      I bought quite a few boxes of color pencils for my son. He loves coloring and joining dots. He also love painting, actually playing with water. There is this color pencils from Faber Castell which you color and put water over it, it becomes paint. He loves doing that. I also have a doodle board for him to draw and learn. I draw something and he guesses what it is.

      Published on September 13, 2005 · Filed under: Parenting;

    6 Responses to “First In Writing Competition”

    1. Good for him! mommy in cloud 9 already! 😀
      thanks, I pick up some tip from you already :).

    2. Welldone Tim! Another joyful moment of motherhood!

      Hey, now I know Tim looks like the mother & Emily looks like the father. Am I right?

    3. Well Done! Tim makes mommy&daddy very proud. If me sure hidung kembang liao! Bangga ma. So, now waiting for the prize giving day lor.

    4. Brilliant Tim :)…so what did u get him for present to encourage him? 48 colours pencil hehe

    5. Twinmoms: Yeah join me there.

      Jefferene: Different ppl tell me different things. I also think Tim look like me but Emily, doesn’t look like both of us. Her mouth look like my sister.

      Annie: The teacher said got medal wor. Mummy also waiting to show tat off.

      Jazzmint: Bingo but only 24. Hey I still have my primary color pencils in those steel box.

    6. […] Remember the last time I blog about his writing competition and he won first prize. […]