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  • MyBabyBay

    • Favorite Pizza Topping II

      No one made the right guess. Tim likes black olives on his pizza. Surprised? Not many people like black olive but it has high mono-unsaturated fat, iron, vitamin E, dietary fiber and a good source of anti-oxidant. Some claim that it helps to control blood sugar and act as an anti-inflammatory. Next order of pizza will have extra topping of black olives.

      Timothy will dig all the olives out and eat it just like that. He will not leave any for me. The toppings that he doesnโ€™t like are pineapple, green pepper and onions.

      Emily find that the pizza base sauce in pizza hut a little spicy. Ok she cannot take any hot stuff at this age. I wonder why they add chili in the pizza sauce.
      By the way, here is the cheesy pizza that Tim drew.

      Published on July 30, 2008 · Filed under: Parenting;

    9 Responses to “Favorite Pizza Topping II”

    1. i sure need anti-inflammatory now but black olives, i’ll give it a pass. ๐Ÿ˜› i didnt know pizza sauce got chili…no wonder my belle dont like pizza!

    2. I’ll pass all my black olives to Tim willingly. Yucks. ๐Ÿ˜›

    3. Jacqueline said on

      My 3yo son likes black olive too. I always request for more olive when order the SUBWAY sandwich. I like black olive too. Give it a try.

    4. yummy!~ hungry

    5. nice ar? how come when i eat it, seem like tasteless..:P

      next time i will eat slowly…LOL

    6. Magictree said on

      I don’t know how the black olive taste like!! We always order only Domino Aloha Chicken!!

    7. Really din expect that. I dun like olives. Will usually order Super Supreme pizza w/o olives. Totally opposite. hehehe

    8. I am not particular about olive on my pizza. But I have a colleague would dont eat olive that everytime we went for pizza, she will pick out the olive from her pizza slices.

    9. Really unbelievable but, nice to know Tim is so health cautious…