Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Self Made TuTu

      My church will do a mini Christmas production year end. I volunteered to take charge of the props. I have to make back drop with help, shepherd costume, sheep, angel costume and wise men. Yeah it is the manger scene where Jesus was born. I just found out that the Bible didn’t mentioned that angel have wings. Anyway I still have to do the wings for the children sake.

      First up, I had to get the material. It is not easy because in Penang, there aren’t many craft shops. This production is with no budget at all. Therefore everything I get has to be low cost. I am glad Penang has Kamdar that sells variety of cloth.

      For angel costume, I need to make a tutu. First I google for patterns and I found quite helpful instructions with beautiful tutu. The angel tutu will be all white but this one I made for Emily is a fairy tutu. It is not part of the Christmas production. Just for fun for Emily. Believe me it is very easy to make. Let me know if you want to make one, it cost less RM10 to do this and no sewing skills required.

      Here is the picture…

      Next up is the wings, hey any of you know where I can get cheap white stockings or pantyhose?

      Published on September 26, 2008 · Filed under: Parenting;

    16 Responses to “Self Made TuTu”

    1. woh nice tutu there… im sure emily loves it

    2. the tutu is nice, very cute on emily…

      the christmas sounds like hard work leh…..lots of do….good luck! 🙂

    3. wah..nice wo…u can sew?

    4. chinnee:For this tutu, no sewing required.

    5. Wah….nice leh! Can’t wait to see more of the costumes coming up…

    6. That is so nice! How did you do it?
      I saw Tesco here selling angel wings and also the wand. But if you are making one, I’m eager to know how do you make one. 🙂
      As for stockings, Soxworld should have.

    7. Shoppingmum: You can do one for your gal. I will send u the instructions. Maybe later today I will take pics of how I do it. I need to do 20 of these.

      How much issit selling in Tesco? I will ping u later.

    8. This is nice. Next time when I need it for kids party, I will come to you, ok?

      I will let you know if I find cheap stocking in pasar malam. But, how many do you practically need? There is a shop in the same row with the famous Guan Yim Temple actually is the supplier of pasar malam goods which came from China.

      If you need a lot, may be you can get there. You might get dealer price.

    9. What a lovely TuTu! As for the other materials, I would suggest Jusco or ‘pasar malam’ if you are tight in budget 🙂

    10. the tutu very nice lar. somemore no need sewing one. must be easy to make.

    11. wahh so nice. next time when my girl joins ballet i must call u 😛

    12. That’s vy nice n u made it sound so simple. So cheap samo. 😉

    13. Very nice tutu. Best part is no sewing required. I need to know where to get cheap white stockings too coz Alycia’s ballet stockings is freaking expensive (RM60) and I need to get some cheap cheap ones.

    14. nice tutu..
      as for the white stockings…maybe i can help looking for you…

    15. Emily looks nice wearing one.

      OK.. must go and do 1 for the girls already.

    16. feel like making one for my gal…