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  • MyBabyBay

    • Tough Exam Papers

      I have learn, it is good for the school to have tough exam papers. If most of the school children do not perform well, then the teachers need to work harder to ensure the students know their stuff. Of coz, parents like me have to prep our children more to ensure they keep up to speed with the teaching.

      I was happy to hear a comment from my boy’s English teacher that she will ensure all her class students know their stuff for the next exam. I am not sure how she will do it but I can see the passion in her. I am glad she wasn’t defensive but was able to ensure her students improve. Kudos to her!

      I wonder how the BM teacher will react when I go and see her.

      Published on March 8, 2010 · Filed under: Exams, Parenting Tip;

    4 Responses to “Tough Exam Papers”

    1. wahahha…teachers today also better perform otherwise they will soon see their names reviewed in blogs, LOL!!!

    2. Alycia will sit for her mid-term exam in May. I am already starting to get nervous!

    3. The teachers’ jobs are tough. Appreciate their passions. Hope everything will be fine for your kid.

    4. R these scheduled meetings? I’m worried I’m not doing my ‘job’ well as I dun look for the teachers often. 🙂