Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Another Achievement

      I must record this for Emily. She amazes me. It was a long battle of me and her papa in waking her up in the morning for school. Lately she was getting better.

      Today, she woke up, brushed her teeth, dressed herself and went downstairs when I was still snoozing. I had an after midnight meeting yesterday so I decided to sleep in, a little. When I woke up, she already went to school. I didn’t have to do anything. Cool eh?

      The battle is over. I hope.

      Her papa and I were pretty pleased with her. She got 2 stickers and a treat from me. Well she has grown to another phase now. I guess I just have to be patient.

      1. Without A Will
      2. Pen Your Will

      Published on April 21, 2010 · Filed under: Parenting;

    2 Responses to “Another Achievement”

    1. When the children become more independent, our lives become more ‘senang’.

    2. Well done Emily.