Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Colorado Springs

      Snow and more snow. Even my car is covered with snow. Every morning I have to scrap off the snow from the car and heat up the car before I can drive. At first I didn’t know what the scrapper or brush in my car was for. I was about to throw it out of the window. Fortunately I didn’t. It is freezing out there, below double digit in the night time and below single digit at day time. Let’s hope it is sunny during the weekend for me to drive to see some local attractions or shopping.

      I took some photographs near the place I work. The place is beautiful with mountain peaks covered with snow. The place is near Pikes Peak, a range of rocky mountain. It just brings me to think how great God’s creation is. For those who do not think that God exists, think again. It will not be coincident that all this appears just like that. Some one has crafted it from above. It is just some food for thought.

      Published on February 3, 2007 · Filed under: Travel;

    7 Responses to “Colorado Springs”

    1. Woah! It is so beautiful out there. Well, we saw Phil’s shadow Spring will be here soon! Woohooo! I’m seeing cherry blossoms sprouting everywhere. You’ll be here in time to view it. 🙂

    2. Vien: What u mean by Phil’s shadow? Great, I love to take spring cherry blossoms pictures.

    3. wahhh…really alot of snow wohh…enough to make a snow man 🙂

    4. Wow! Nice view…*envy**envy*

    5. Hi… saw your link in my blog so dropping by to say hello. The photos are lovely, truly a beautiful reflection of God’s creation.

    6. Beautiful!!

    7. Wow.. this view is to die for..