Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Childhood Games

      Ever play this game before. I love to play this game when I was very young in primary school.

      You list down 5 of your secret admirers, 5 places of liking, your 5 preferred age of marriage and how many kids you would want to have. Lastly, you put your favorite number or you can sign in the middle, and estimate how many strokes. You start counting from the RICH, strike it off when it reaches the number. Start counting again. Each category will have at least one not strike off. When you strike RICH, you automatically have POOR and when you strike SAD, you have HAPPY. Here is an example:

      The prediction here: you will marry Keanu Reeves at age 29, honey moon in Canada. You will have 2 kids. Poor but happy.

      Other childhood games I played:

      Five stone
      High jump using chain of rubber band
      Bottle caps
      Hop Scotch
      Tai Chi in badminton court
      Happy Family Cards
      Tortoise Card Game
      Fishing Card Game

      Published on June 27, 2005 · Filed under: Parenting;

    2 Responses to “Childhood Games”

    1. hehehe…hey never heard of this game before :P…but I did play high jump, five stones, tai chi (always mother hahaha) and happy family cards…not forgetting old maid too…the one i enjoy most, five stones…can play forever LOL

    2. how come i never heard of this game? i’d play the rest mention but not that one…. hehe… may i know how young are you??