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  • MyBabyBay

    • Who Eat My MoonCake?

      Tim adores MoonCake. Every time we passed by a moon cake, he will want me to buy for him. Funny he eats everything except the egg. Today is the day (Thanks Annie Q for reminding me) that we Chinese celebrate the Mid-Autumn Fest aka The Lantern Fest aka The Moon Cake Fest. There is a very interesting legendary if you have read the Chinese History.

      Why MoonCake? During the Chinese war, the ministers used moon cake to pass secret messages. The messages were hidden in the moon cake. It all happens during the Mid Autumn Festival. There are other stories about the rabbit and the lady on the moon which is legendary.

      Today the tradition especially for children is to carry their lighted lantern and walk around the neighborhood or park or swimming pool. That’s what we did. There is just one glitch because I forgot that today was the day and I ran out of candles. I could only get birthday candles which burned out very fast.

      Why no MoonCake pictures on this post? That’s because Tim wallops all of it before I can take any pictures.

      Happy Moon Cake Festival to all my readers!!!!

      Published on September 26, 2007 · Filed under: Parenting, Special Day Event;

    10 Responses to “Who Eat My MoonCake?”

    1. The 2 little piglets are substitutions for the missing mooncakes? Hahaha.

      Happy Mooncake Festival to u and family!

    2. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and yours 😀

    3. Ei…i tot people normally use birthday candles coz they are smaller.

      If not, what do u normally use?

    4. He,he..the pig is really cute..Is it actual mooncake?

    5. Shooi:There are candles specially make for lantern, a big fatter than birthday candles. It comes in many colors too.

    6. Happy belated mooncake festival!

      Btw, even I don’t like the egg yolk ler. I like salted egg yolk on its own but not with moon cake. blech!

    7. Happy Mooncake festival… nowadays mooncakes dont look like moons anymore.. they come in various shapes and designs.

    8. Cute little piggie!

      I still received mooncakes from supplier today!

    9. aiks these 2 piggies very cute ah! can eat wan or not?

    10. Jeriel great-grandaunty gave one to Jeriel also..