Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Back To School

      Tomorrow will be the first day of school for Emily again. Yes again. Why again? I did send her to school when she was 2+ but due to her constant sickness (fever and runny nose). The preschool was small and had lots of children. Every day 1 or 2 child is sick. I decided to defer. Now she is ready.

      She will be joining her brother in the new Tadika, half day school. My hubby and I prepared her for school. We took her to buy her favorite bag, her white school, socks, pencil case and color pencils. She got all excited and now everyday she been asking when will school start.

      Last year, we took her to the Tim’s Tadika for parents’ teachers’ day. She went into the computer class and she likes the class. She also liked the school principal who is my church friend. The Tadika is run on church ground with fewer children. It has plenty of space for activities. It has a hall for assembly too.

      Emily: Mummy today school day?
      Mummy: No next Thursday
      Emily: Mummy I want to go to school with kor kor and bring my Cinderella bag.
      Mummy: Ok
      Emily: Where is my school uniform?
      Mummy: Later I iron the school uniform for you.
      Emily: 😀

      Tell me, are they growing up fast? It was like yesterday I gave birth to her and now she is preparing herself to school. Sigh.

      Published on January 1, 2008 · Filed under: Parenting, School;

    11 Responses to “Back To School”

    1. Ah, she’s at the Princess stage now..should have told me earlier..we had a lot of Princess sales going on at Disney store.

      They do grow up fast. Too fast.

    2. Hope she has fun.. I’m sending Zara to one too.. but can you beat it? Haven’t really decided which one yet. 🙁

    3. btw, Happy New Year.

    4. hope she enjoys her school life!!
      Happy Blessed 2008!

    5. This time hope she is ok with the school environment.

    6. wah so fast go to sch edi! and he seems like so excited about it, very good!

    7. yeah…not only the kids are excited..the mummies also overwhelmed with emotions-hor.

      my elder son is going for K2. since tis is the 2nd year…hopefully its smooth except that this year, we are sending him to chinese class (and he can’t speak Mandarin at all). and my younger boy is starting nursery too….so excited!

    8. time flies.
      shern is also very eager to join his cousin brother in his kindy, but i think we’ll wait a little longer.

    9. Happy New Year!

      Are you going to cry? I think I will the 1st time I pack them off to school!

    10. Wud she hv computer lessons this yr? Oni Yr 5 and 6 students in XY’s kindy has comp lessons.

    11. It feel so lovely to know that Emily love to go to school….so, not crying tod to pacify….hopefully, by June, Isaac will love to go to school like his kor kor….