Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Emily In Action

      On Saturday was Emily first Sport’s Day. She was really excited ever since she knew about it. She told me that she will participate in 2 events. It is something to do with hopping, walking on the bench and squeezing the sponge. She was talking about it before the school holidays.

      Finally the day came. Boy, she was excited. She did well and her team got first in both events. Fortunately the weather was not very hot. She was fortunate because the day after the event, it was raining very heavily.

      The school didn’t give out any medals for prizes and I wished they did. Emily received a bubble gun and a nice princess book.

      Published on June 29, 2009 · Filed under: Parenting;

    6 Responses to “Emily In Action”

    1. Well done Emily….

    2. *clap clap clap* Bravo Emily!

      Ya ya, I do prefer the prizes to be medals too, at least can keep them as souvenirs.

    3. The most important thing is that Emily is having fun……Good job, Emily!

    4. bravo emily

    5. She’s really fast! Well done, Emily!

    6. She looks really tall in the video.. but I guess she is tall right? just like you said she could reach light switches.. Zara is probably still like 10cm or more away from reaching the switches.