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  • MyBabyBay

    • KTM and LRT Experience

      My children wanted to sit the train in Kuala Lumpur and I took them there, to do so. I parked my car at Mid Valley mall and since I wanted to go to visit the Big Book Fest in KLCC, we told the KTM and LRT there. Boy! It was the biggest mistake ever.

      First train came, no one could get into it because it was packed like sardine. It was packed till even the door cannot close. I saw passengers inside the train were having difficulty coming out. There were a lot of foreigners. Oh well, we waited for the next train. It was only slightly better.

      Tim, Emily and I were standing very close to the door. My boy was complaining of the smell and the stuffiness inside the train. Anyway, I told him it was only 1 stop, bear with it for a little while.

      We were shocked when we were at KLCC, it was overcrowded. I took my children straight to the book fest instead.

      Going back was another headache, at the KLCC LRT station, there was another crowd. We had to squeeze through the crowd. The line to purchase the ticket was jammed up with people. The ticket dispenser machines were spoiled. It was so crowded that there were 2 police mending the queue to the ticket counter. I saw a few Indonesians jumping queue to get tickets. It was indeed a horrible experience. Somehow our country is moving backwards when it comes to providing service.

      I am shocked to see so many Indonesians, Bangladesh and India people at that station. It is scary that our country imported so many laborers here.

      I managed to get tickets and help another girl to get hers. I just wanted to get out of there immediately. Next KTM decided to cancel the route from KL Sentral to Mid Valley. There were no announcements or sign to indicate that. I was only told when I was at the ticket counter. Wasted my time queuing for ticket and we had to get a cab to Mid Valley. Mid Valley was definitely better!

      It will be the last time I take a train from Mid Valley to KLCC. Just Horrible!!

      Published on September 3, 2011 · Filed under: Parenting;

    2 Responses to “KTM and LRT Experience”

    1. yeah, MV KTM station is horrible…tooooo packed with foreigner & all kind of smell….

      btw, we went to KLCC too, really over crowded lar!!

    2. i read in the news that the whole KL was turned into a “foreigner” town during long holiday. Scary!!