Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Bad Start But Good Finish

      I bought a Groupon to have Korean BBQ and Steamboat at 1 Utama. I was having a dilemma whether to get it or not. It cannot be used on public holiday or weekends. The only day where I can have it was on a Friday. At last, I clicked to get it. I made the reservation as soon as I got my voucher. Fortunately I could get a reservation at 11:30am.

      On that day, while I was driving to 1 Utama, my steering wheel was lopsided. Feeling something amidst, I decided to stop at the gas station. I saw one of the tires punctured. Sigh, I need to find the nearest tires shop and fortunately I found one. It was already 11:30 am when I got to the tire shop. I told my children that we need to drive very slowly to reach the tire shop. I asked them to pray.

      Thank God, I managed to reach there, safely. I borrowed the car from my aunt and I don’t know how to change a Kembara tire. While the mechanic was fixing my car, the Korean BBQ place called, asking me whether I want to cancel my table. Apparently it was full house. I told him I had car trouble and I will make it later. He told me that he needs to give my reserved table away. I had no choice but to say yes. He told me when I arrive, he will make arrangement for me if there is a table available.

      I am glad when I arrived there, he did gave me a table. The service was good, however I expected a bigger buffet table with more variety. I do like the BBQ meat marinated in different flavor. It ended well after all.

      I did witness some drama before getting my table. Apparently a lady who thought she booked a table for her family but on the reservation list, there is no record of it. She was scolding the poor staff. She told him that it was not her issue because she said she did make a booking. Her words against theirs. I found that the place do not have a good booking system, they should at least provide a booking number to everyone who makes a reservation. Anyway, after all her fuss, her family did get a table.

      Published on September 8, 2011 · Filed under: Parenting;

    3 Responses to “Bad Start But Good Finish”

    1. I read that many bloggers bought Groupon coupons too. Do you get a lot of discounts from the participating restaurants?

    2. HF: Groupon is actually coupons, different discount and different restaurants only limited period. You can check it out here:

    3. Another Groupon kaki 🙂 I’ve bought a few myself from Groupon and several other similar sites.