Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • Tag: Where I Want To Go

      March 29, 2007

      It is not even Friday yet and I got the same tag from Jess, GiddyTigers and Angeleyes. I want to go to a lot of places. Here is a picture of where I want to go. Get it?

      I want to go around the world and visit the wonders of the world, now I think there are more than 7. So far, I have been to Great Wall of China and Grand Canyon. I would love to visit the Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower, Niagara Falls, the Great Barrier Reef and many more. Countries that I have visited are China, US, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore. I love to visit Europe and New Zealand. Opps sorry, I am a little too ambiguous but I just love to travel and see how wonderful God has made his creation to be.


      **Start Copy**

      Proposition : Where do you want to go Next, OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY, for tourism, work , study, whatever.

      Requirements: Find some info about the place, itinerary etc, pics if possible so you get MORE Traffic coming in, and maybe some people can find somewhere to go to. Excludes your NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR, ie Singapore,Malaysia,Brunei, a country that borders yours.You must register for MyBloglog so we can blogwalk ah…..get it?

      Quantity : FIVE PEOPLE.

      Tag Mode : Chain Link. 15 of them.
      You leave 15 people and their DEEP LINK of their Blog Name and TAGGED POST and hit out for five more. So it will look like

      Azrin going Down Under

      MaRLinda in Disneyland Paris

      Athira Baby and her Balamory Antics

      Msau to Japan

      Shoppingmum to Europe

      Angeleyes off to Bora-Bora

      Giddy Tiger snorkelling in The Maldives

      Jess to Europe

      **Add in the blog you got the tag from and tagged post.** (In this case, for example, you should add “Mybabybay wants to go Round The World“) 

      Extra Rules: you cannot Tag another person who has performed the Tagging Rights to Travel. Check yr commentators.
      You MUST PASS this tag within 7 days of receiving it , or lose a day’s worth of Blog Revenue or $10 to charity. Can?Makes it interesting anyway.So no Lazy Tags running about, and yeah, eventually, there will be less than a 1:3 chance you can’t tag that someone. And pay those people in the list a visit, you never know if you can pinch / recycle some ideas for your next entry!

      **End Copy**


      This is the first time I am tagging people:

      Zara’s mama – Since she loves to go places.

    • Manageable Age

      March 28, 2007

      Tim and Emily is in their manageable age when I do not have to constantly monitor them. They can practically play by themselves and watch TV. It is a burden off my shoulder. Then my friends will start to ask me, when are you starting your third one? I told them no thanks, 2 is enough. Yeah if I were younger I may think of it. Now I am at the age where my energy wears down easily.

      Once I did dream of having at least 6 children. It will be more fun during festive season to have a big crowd at home. People yakking and having fun.

      Now since both Tim & Emily have grown, I will start planning for more vacations with them. I still have 1 worry, I hope that Emily has a stronger immune system, so that she will not fall sick easily.

    • IRB Experience

      March 28, 2007

      This year, the IRB dept didn’t send me any form and no I didn’t do any e-filling last year. My hubby got his form but where is mine. I thought I can give excuse that I don’t have to declare since they didn’t send me any form. Yeah right. Anyway, I went to the IRB office to sort it out.

      First I had to get a number. Being kiasu, just in case the e-filling does not work, at least I have backup forms. I asked the officer to give me some forms. She told me that I either do e-filling or get the form, cannot have both. Alamak. What if the system does not work? Let’s hope it does. I waited and strangely that they generated my PIN very quickly. I ask the officer to check whether I owe IRB any money. Last year I checked, I knew that I owe them a small amount in 2004. He asked me to take another number as he doesn’t have access to the system. Sigh.

      The other counter took a longer wait. It was lunch time, 1 person serving only. I waited for 20 minutes before my turn. I must tell you the system is so complicated. They have 2 systems, the old and the new. My guess is that they are in the process of migration. She went to the old system to check every single year. With the old system, she had to calculate manually year by year. Yes, it did show in 2004, that I owe them money. Then she when to the new system, scroll up and down, left and right, she came to the conclusion I have a refund which was 3 times the amount I owe. I wonder why when I always pay to the dot. By the way, year before 2004, the account balance.

      In 2004, I miscalculated, which is why I owe them money. 2005 was a mystery as I don’t receive any J form. Maybe I overpaid. I asked her whether I can contra the claims with the tax of 2006. She told me that I need to submit more documents. Or I can claim the amount right away by filling the pink form, which I did. It will be more paperwork for them than I doing the paperwork.

      Back in 2005, I did submit a document to pay the owing money from my husband account as suggested by the customer service agents when I called them. I wrote in provided the necessary documents. However it was not done. The officer did a check on his account and told us the department will issue him a cheque, it was process on 25 March 2007. Two years to process a refund.

      Will the tax office be more efficient? Give them some time, eventually they will get there, I hope.

      Tips, you can ask anyone to go to the IRB office to generate the PIN. All you need is the IC number.

    • Timtraman & Emtaro

      March 26, 2007

      Look! It is Timtraman and Emtaro in action. I got them some mask for them to play. It cost RM3 each, so costly hor. Anyway the mask is a good quality one with holes so that they can breathe easily. It has been a long time since I saw this mask. I remember when I was young, I used to play mask with my brother. It was made out of paper cardboard. You know the 10 sen kind of quality. My children ones are made out of plastic. Oh well times have change.

      What do Timtraman and Emtaro do? They make me laugh when they wear the mask. Both are my lovely heroes and I know I can count on them to rescue me when I am not in a good mood. I also got them some foam sword for play fighting. Those foam material is pretty safe, not painful when it hits. Of coz play under supervision of parents or any adult.

    • Everything Goes Up

      March 21, 2007

      Today I sent Emily to her babysitter. I was thinking of doing in 1st of next month, easy to manage my payments. However after Emily recover from her wheezing problem last week, she attended school on Monday and caught flu, sneezing for 2 days with runny nose with fever. Sigh, I had to work from home yesterday to monitor her. At her age, she is easy to manage, she can play on her own and watch TV by herself.

      The babysitter used to take care of Emily, since she had some medical problems, she had to stop. That was the reason I had to send Emily to school. Now she is willing to take care of her again, with one condition 10% extra pay. She justified by saying she will add more fish to Emily’s diet. Sigh, everything seems to go up, petrol, food, electricity bills, water bills, etc…

      Let’s pray and hope my Emily will develop a stronger immune system with the 10% increase of fish in her diet.

    • Picnic Day

      March 17, 2007

      I had a very exhausted day today. My church Sunday School held a picnic day for the children. We had a big crowd with the parents joining in to have the fun. It is great to see the whole families having fun together. We had 2 big buses going up to Batu Ferringhi Christian Convention Center by the beach.

      We had a fun packed program with telematches, water balloon tossing, sand castle competition, short movie with popcorn and pizza making. My children enjoy the sand castle, as they can play sand. Everyone enjoys themselves. When we got back, the children were tired and snoozing.

    • Friday is my official tag day, I mean 3 weeks in a row that I have been tag. I wonder who keeps generating these tags. A to Z? There were one I saw, please please please don’t tag me on this one, 50 questions…wah lau wehhh…. I even saw someone did a tag that I did last year. The circulation is a bit slow, it goes around the world and come back here.

      Thanks to Jess and Angeleyes, I have a filler post for PPP.

      A-Z, I shall keep it short and sweet.

      [A is for age]: Math Time – Log 10000 * Log (10 power 9) + Cos 360°
      [Z for Zodiac Sign]: Let me be upfront and tell you my birthday 4th June. You can decide which sign you want it to be because I don’t believe in horoscope.

      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      10 Reasons why I marry my Hubby from/in Penang

      I am a little confused with this tag, not sure whether I should say good things about my hubby or about Penang. I will do 5 each.

      1. He is a believer of God and Jesus.
      2. He is very tall, block all my views of other leng jais.
      3. He is a man with a gentle spirit and a kind heart.
      4. He seldom argues.
      5. He is thrifty but not stingy. He is a family man, help out with house chores and fixes most of the things at home.
      6. I want to get away from the terrible jams in KL. Once I got stuck in traffic jam for 3 hours in KL. 😡
      7. Everything in Penang is within reach, no need to travel far.
      8. Lots of delicious food here: asam laksa, cendol, ambra-sumbui, gekla-sumbui, curry fish head…
      9. Everyday can look at the sea. My office has a very nice view too.
      10. Easy to save money here, not as many temptations here as compare to KL and standard of living is moderately low.
    • My hubby had put together a birthday video for Timothy. He is good at it as he wants to build a story from start to finish. Hey if you have any birthday event, you want a photographer, you can engage him with a small fees. Photography is his interest and a sideline business. In fact he has lots of potential customer but just no time to do. You want to see more of his creation, visit

    • School or Saloon??

      March 15, 2007

      Every time Emily comes back from school, she will have a different hair do. Some teachers in the school love to tie Emily’s hair. It is not just one style but every day different styles. They even put ribbons on her. I get to learn new styles too. Her hair can be very messy if it is not tie up properly. At least she sit down and let me braids her hair.

      Next month onwards, she will be looked after by her previous babysitter. My hubby and I decided to let her stay with the babysitter instead of school/nursery. The reason is that she gets sick very often when in school, every other month she gets runny nose. Germ is passed around very easily from one child to another. I hope she will not missed school. I know she will miss her favorite teacher Miss Jenny. I am sure all the teachers will miss her or miss braiding her hair.


    • Timothy is 5 years old today, officially tonight since he was an evening baby. He requested for a “Swimming Pool” cake for a very long time, a year I think. Every time someone’s birthday comes, he will ask me to get him a “swimming pool” cake. It is not exactly a swimming pool but a cake with have a pond.

      We celebrated his birthday at his school. I have to prepare party packs for the children. In fact, my children have been receiving party packs all year round. Most party packs are food stuff which is not very healthy (lots of coloring). I decided to get some party toys, whistles, hats, balloons and fun stuff for the children. I also included raisins packs and small Mentos. Emily helps me to pack some of them. She does real cute things with them too.

      I took ½ day leave to join in the celebration today while my hubby took photograph of the birthday event. He will do up a story slides later for my blog. It was really funny, when we enter the school compound, the children saw me carrying the cake and started singing “Happy Birthday To Timothy”. They were so eager to see the cake. Teachers were having difficulty controlling them. As it was school holidays, some teachers took leave.

      After the song, candle blowing, cake cutting and eating, Timothy distributed the party packs. He looked blur at school but tonight I am sure he will tell me stories.

      Happy Birthday Timothy!!

      Party Packs: