Verse Of The Day


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  • MyBabyBay

    • StoryTime From Emily

      April 13, 2008

      Mummy: Who are your friends in school?

      Tim: *thinking*

      Emily: Jin Ren, Hogan, Farah, Marcus and Je Yee. Today Jin Ren, Hogan, Marcus didn’t come. Farah and Je Yee are here.

      Another day….

      Mummy: Did you finish your homework?

      Emily: Mummy I don’t have homework. I finished in school. I fast fast do and show teacher. Teacher gave me sticker.

      Another day…

      Mummy: What did you eat in school today?

      Tim: Sausage.

      Emily: I eat sausage. Hogan made my sausage fall on the floor. He knocked it down. I told teacher. Teacher gave me another plate. Then I bite the sausage, it broke into 2. I ngap ngap ngap (aka munch munch munch) and finished. *showing actions*

      Emily loves to tell me story even when it is a yes and no answer. She will go on and on about what she did, what she eat, how she eat, etc…

      When she is not crying, she can be fun to play with. I hope she will loose her silly “me attitude”. What’s the silly “me attitude? Whenever she wants something and she doesn’t get, she will cry. Sounds familiar?

    • Pastime

      April 11, 2008

      What do you do for the weekend? Before having children, my hubby and I love to go look at new houses, condos or apartments. We go looking at the interior designing. We do that almost every other weekend. We still do that once in a while. My children love running around the rooms.

      We also love to go hiking after work. There is a very nice hiking place near Hotel EQ. It is very satisfying when we reach the top. It has a great view of Penang up there. Lots of people would go up, some even help to carry liters of water up. They make lovely ginger tea too. I cannot take the children up because there is some steep path that it is not safe for them to climb.

      With children, we either go shopping or go to parks. Once is a while, we drive up to the beach. When the children were toddlers, we pretty much are tight up with house chores. Now they are manageable, I must do something more exciting. What should I do? Too bad there is no IKEA here!

    • Detailed Emily

      April 10, 2008

      Emily is a very detailed person and I must record this down. Here is what I told her to do.

      Mummy: Please tell kor kor to do his homework, ok.
      Emily: *shouted* Kor Kor, faster eats rice. After eat rice, go “choong leong” (take a bath). Then go do your homework, ok.

      As compare to Timothy, he cannot even remember things he did in school. I am training him to do that and exercise his brain a little. Yesterday, I asked him to remember what color chair he sits on in school. Today, I am amazed he came back from school telling me he sat on a green chair. The next step, I will add more things for him to remember. It is a fun way to increase his memory power.

    • Timothy has progress tremendously in his development in the academic world. Such big word for small fellow. In his previous Kindy, he didn’t utter a word to his friends or teachers. I guess he was having fear of fierce teachers. The teachers could do anything to get him to read, participate or even speak. The teachers looked to me and complained everyday about him.

      Ever since he moved to the current Tadika (run by my church) with friendly helpful teachers, he made progression. The reading report book changed from “cannot read” to “able to read with guidance” to “able to read softly” to “reading twice” Now he can read Peter & Jane series.

      Peter & Jane series are a good series for your child to learn reading. Words are repeated and simple. They start with recognizing “The”, “a”, “here”, “and”, “I”,..etc.

      As for Emily, gals being gals mature faster. She now can read 1a, 1b and trying out 2b. If you want to start your child with reading, go get the Peter & Jane series. Now anyone knows whether there is a malay version of Peter & Jane. I need to teach my children Bahasa Malaysia.

      Little Emily showing off her reading skills:

    • Paper Doll

      April 8, 2008

      Have you played with paper dolls before? Drawing cute dolls and making clothes for the paper dolls, mixing and matching. I have and I enjoyed playing with it. I came from a poor family where by my parents could not afford any Barbie dolls. I have to make do with paper and color pencils.

      Guess what, I bought 2 paper dolls books for Emily in year 2007. She was too young to play then. Now she is having fun with it. She matches the paper/cardboard dolls with all the pretty wonderful dresses. The book has many collections of costumes, dresses, pajamas, shirts and pants. It is certainly a cheaper version of Barbie dolls. If you have a gal of age 3 and above, you should get a copy of this book. It only cost me around RM16.90. I got mine from MPH.

    • Food Fun & Music

      April 7, 2008

      Tim always humors me without fail. He really got a good sense of humor. I bought a Mexican bun for both him and Emily. Tim is not a bread person but he will eat a Mexican bun or a sausage bun. As we were eating the bun, look what he did.

      He makes his own face bun with it. Talk about creativity. By the way, I am sending Tim & Em to a trial Yamaha Music Kids class. Let’s see if they can be creative in the music world. I hope they have my father’s talent who can play music by ear without any music lessons. I will blog more about the class after I attended it with them. Yes, a parent needs to accompany the children in the class.

      The objective of the music class is to develop fundamental musical ability by singing and playing keyboard instruments. Learning by listening. It will be a 2 year course. Let’s hope they can foster some musical interest in them. It cost around RM180 for per term (3 months), per child. It excludes material costs.

      Parkbay: Toilet Bowl Restaurant


    •     Transformers
          More than meets the eye
          Robots in Disguise

          Autobots wage their Battle
          To destroy the evil forces
          Of the Decepticons

      Ku Ku Chu Chu Cit Cit

      That’s the sound when Tim’s transformer transforms. Yes, he will use his transformer robots to fight against one another. He can play by himself for hours battling the robots. Taking Optimus Prime and Bumblebee to fight with other robots.

      I am not allowed to transform any of his robots. He liked it the way it is. What does Emily do to disturb him? Walk right up and steal one of his transformers. It will end up two of them battling with one another with noise, not so much physical. Sometimes I let them fight their own battle but when it gets too noisy, I will have to step in. And that’s how it goes.

    • What’s That Sound?

      April 4, 2008

      Tim: Ku Ku Chu Chu Cit Cit

      Let’s see whether you can guess what Tim was doing?

    • Separation Anxiety

      April 3, 2008

      One morning, I had an early morning meeting and my hubby had to fetch the children to school. Yes, we only have 1 car for the family. Save cost and environmental friendly family.

      I asked my hubby to drop me first. My children were pretty excited to drop me at the office.

      Mummy: Papa is going to drop mummy to the office and fetch you both to school.
      Tim: Drop? What is drop? *he giggled, must be thinking of carrying mummy and throwing it down*
      Emily: Drop?!!
      Mummy: Papa will go to mummy’s office and I go to work there.

      Both excited and making lots of noise. When hubby reached my company’s guard house, Emily started to cry. She didn’t want me to go to work and holding my hand. Hrm..her emotions can change very quickly. Twice and the same thing happens. As for Tim, he waved goodbye and as usual asking me to buy his favorite green soya bean.

      When we go back home during lunch time, we cannot let Emily see us. She will not let us go easily without a fuss. One minute she can be very excited and cheerful, next minute she can be a “bin chui ngap” (about-to-cry-look). I must always remind myself that she is only 3 years old and just acting her age. Although she always tells me that she is a big gal and wants a big cake for her birthday.

    • It was a great day yesterday for me because my department organized a team building event. We had Treasure Hunt in G Hotel & Gurney Plaza. We had 4 teams with 5 people per team. Basically we went around the mall looking for answers. It was difficult at first but our team got the hang of it. A good tip for treasure hunt, start with the mall directory. Most of the answers can be found there.

      I had a lot of fun but a few interesting happenings:

      1. We were supposed to find the price of a bottle of 100ml men CK perfume. The price was on the bottle. Some guys (as usual) went to disturb the promoter asking her for the price, until she hid from us.

      2. First time I enter any shops with no “follow-me” promoters as they all knew we were treasure hunting.

      3. We were going in and out of shops until the sales person look at us suspiciously.

      4. One of the book we were looking for sold out!!! However some of us had great ideas on getting the answer. We had the sales person check his record for the price.

      5. We were supposed to get a name of a company with 1 alphabet and get a chop from them. We thought it was G2000 and happily walk in to get the chop. The store staff told us, no chop allowed. Actually the answer was G Hotel. *roll eyes*

      6. We got to the right area where all the clues fit and were suppose to look for something that promotes health. None of the surrounding shops was a health shop. The only store fits the description was a skin care, make up and beauty that uses natural ingredient. The answer was not that store because another clue state it is found in most of the public places. Guess what it is?…..It is the No Smoking Sign and our team was the only team with that answer.

      Our team came in second and points were very close (1 or 2 pts) to the first team. We could have won but the last task was very ambiguous. The task was to get a 34g smarties box of choc with a picture of a bird feeding (nestle logo) its babies. The 34g box has no picture of bird so we decided to get the 3 packs wrapped in plastic with the bird picture on the plastic. One thing we forgot to do is to unwrapped the plastic and give the judge a 34g box. We were too excited. That mistake caused us first prize. Sayang. Oh well, we had lots of fun with treasure hunt and I don’t mind doing it again.

      Last but least, the scrumptious meal from G Hotel, Mediterranean style. I do not have to say more for food….Oooh I loved those non-halal RUM balls.