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Prayer Wanted For Lisa
April 25, 2006Please pray for this mother Lisa (aka SCB). :pray:
Details here: http://mumsgather.blogspot.com/2006/04/fellow-bloggers-unite.html
After reading more about Lisa’s progress from a couple of websites like Jomel and Diane. I got to know her last name. Her name is exactly the same as my school mate. Both also has 1 daughter. I found out more from Zara’s mama, that she is the same age as me.
I hold off all my work and called my best friend. My best friend told me the incident. Yes, she was my class mate. It is so very sad. I know her from school and she is a very friendly person. I haven’t seen her since we left school. My best friend has always updated me with her news and others too.
It is such a small world. Lisa, if you can hear me from your heart. Do wake up for the sake of your daughter, mum, dad and your brother. I will continue to pray for you and your family. :pray:
Latest update, she is out from ICU from this post.
Special Blog for SCB here: http://forscb.blogspot.com/
All In A Day’s Work
April 19, 2006
Last weekend I took my children to take their photographs for passport application. Hubby cannot do it with his camera because we have no spot lights and back drop. Emily didn’t cooperate. Every time we put her on the chair, she walked towards mummy. When mummy carry her on the lap, she struggle to get away. Fortunately mummy brought jelly and attracted her to cooperate. She looks a bit grumpy in the photo.
Today I brought them to immigration. We had breakfast, took our own sweet time to get there. I know if we go there before the office open, there will be people queuing up and takes a while for the officers to serve all those people. There will be a longer wait. By the time we reached there, at 9am, it was just right. I took the number and I was the next to be served. (This only apply to Penang Immigration, not sure about other state).
Documents Required For Children:
- Birth Cert & Copy
- Either parent’s IC & Copy
- 2 photos
- RM150
They took Tim’s thumb prints. He was very excited when the officer took his prints. He kept telling me. Emily do not need to. We got everything done in 30 minutes, not bad. :good: However when we collect the passport, I need to bring them there again. ðŸ™
Later we went to the NRD, to change Tim’s birth cert. Apparently the ink on the birth cert smear onto the plastic cover. Cheapo ink I guess. I have to pay RM5 for that. NRD Penang change building, the place is so spacious with lots of chair outside the office. Not sure why they want so many chairs there. It is just a waste of tax payer money. Opps.
Next, my hubby wanted to change his religion on his myKad. Probably he felt left out when all of us have our religion as Christian, and his was Buddha. He is a Christian, so nothing wrong with changing. Funny it is not Buddhist but Buddha. Anyway the NRD have to redo the entire myKad, just to change a value in 1 field. I believe they cannot change any value in the smart chip or they do not have a chip writer. Oh what do I know?
Next half of my day, I went to work. I have been busy these few days. Left Right Center also got work. A few projects due in the same month. I have been sitting in the same place for 7 years and I have to move to another area. 🙠The place I am sitting belongs to another company. It is rather complicated to explain. Maybe when I have time, I will blog about it.
By the way, I got to know this from DrLiew’s blog that you can read myKad using Astro. Go try it and have fun. I am too poor to own Astro.
Motorbike Accident
April 18, 2006
Those motorbikers never learn, they like to beat the red light. :naughty: Today I witness an accident where this guy tried to beat the red light on his motorbike. He was looking at the wrong direction. A car came with quite high speed, crash onto the motorbike. I saw the guy flying upwards and down, landing on his bum. Fortunately, the car driver could slow down the speed and stop at the accident area, to reduce the impact of the crash. The car was badly dented at the side, I didn’t see what car she was driving. Anyway, the poor guy was sitting on the road, was still conscious but he was blur on what just happen to him. His motorbike is gone.
I really dislike those motorbikers who really think they can save time by beating the traffic lights and have no thoughts whatsoever on their life. In Penang, 7 out of 10 motorbikers will do that. It is so dangerous. If you are driving here, you should slow down when approaching the traffic light junction. You may not expect something will shoot out from another direction. Drive safely to save life. :good:
Bringing Up Boys VCD Review
March 10, 2006

Series 1 – Boys Will Be Boys.
For those who have boys at home, I would recommend you get this parenting VCD. It teaches you how to raise boys, not that you don’t already know. It enhances your skills I suppose. It is conducted by the famous Dr. James Dobson from Focus on the Family.
In part 1, he tells you why boys are different to girls. I quote “Boys are different from girls physiologically, emotionally and socially. The series begins with Dr. Dobson examining how God designed boys. These masculine traits can often irritate and confound parents but were intended to be enjoyed and celebrated – as well as molded and “civilized.â€
It is a 60 minutes show and plenty of good illustrations. It cost RM19.90 per VCD and RM200.00 for the whole series. I enjoyed part 1 & part 7 and I will get the entire series.
In first part of the series, it tells you how boys are created differently, even from the making in the womb. How the testosterone floods the womb and this hormonal bath alters the way boy’s brain are structure in many ways. The connections between the two hemispheres of the brain are actually damaged. As a result, boys have a harder time integrating and articulating what they know, feel and believe. Boys and Girls are different.
How many of you find that when you are talking to your husband and he is not listening? Men/Boys have the ability to filter things that they do not want to hear. I often find that true. Dr James Dobson has one very useful method, is when you want to communicate something important to your boy/hubby, touch him with yr hand and look him in the eye, you will get his full attention.
One illustration he gave, a father who tried to make his son drink milk and he refused. He asked him 7 times and he refused. Later the father thought that he has a competitive characteristic in him. He told the son, let’s compete and see who drinks the fastest. He divided the milk into 2 glasses and on the count of 3, both finished the milk. Next the son told the father, let’s make it 2 out of 3 wins. Parents do need to be creative, these days.
Have fun with it.
Company Dinner II
January 26, 2006
Story: http://mybabybay.com/blog/index.php/2006/01/20/company-dinner/
By popular demand, I finally got 2 pictures on the best dress for the company dinner for you.
Best Dress Male & Female is No 1
The 3 (Originated From The 4)
January 25, 2006
Jess tagged me. I am not a tag person but will do this because of Jess. However instead of 4, I will do 3.
Cantonese: “Sun Lien Lau Lau, 4 4 mm ho tien, 3, 3 ho titâ€
English: 4 meaning die is a taboo for CNY, 3 meaning alive is better.
3 jobs you’ve had in your life:
1. Waitress in McDonald while waiting for SRP results. It was a good experience.
2. Tutoring in University of NSW. Pays very good money too.
3. Motherhood to Tim & Emily, Wife to my hubby, Daughter to my ma & pa.
3 movies you could watch over and over:
1. Mermaid.
2. He’s a Woman, She’s a Man (Jing Zi Yu Ye)
3. Kindergarten Cop.
3 TV shows you love(d) to watch:
1. The Apprentice & any reality show.
2. CSI.
3. TVB Drama Series.
3 places you’ve lived:
1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2. Sydney, Australia.
3. San Jose, US.
3 places you’ve been on vacation to:
1. Japan Toyko Disneyland.
2. US LA Disneyland & Las Vegas.
3. US Grand Canyon.
3 places you would rather be:
1. Home Sleeping.
2. IKEA Shopping Mall. (I love looking at home deco).
3. Seafood Buffet with Oyster, Salmon, Lobster.
3 of your favourite foods:
1. Baskin Robin’s World Class Choc Ice Cream.
2. Asam Laksa with lots of vege.
3. Mom’s Homecook meal (Can’t wait for CNY reunion dinner).
3 of your favourite beverages:
1. Green Tea.
2. Teh Tarik from my company’s vending machine.
3. Coffee Bean Ice Blended Choc.
3 (or more) websites you visit daily:
1. Google & Google Mail
2. US Stock Exchange Website
3. CNN
3 blogs I wish to tag:
1. BabySmooches
2. Rachel’s Blog – Precious Moment
3. Anyone who feels like doing this.
Lion Dance
January 18, 2006
The Chinese Lion Dance is important tradition during Chinese New Year. The first recorded performance of a lion dance is dated back to Third Century BC, before you and I were born. Those who perform the lion dance often need to have Wushu skills. One, handling the lion’s head, leads the dance and shows the lion’s emotions. The lions express joy and happiness. The proper lion dance must match with the drum, gong and cymbal rhythm. The lion head performer or the drummer must signal the other, so that the movement and music can be synchronized. There are a few sequences, that is normally used, like the 3-Star or 7-Star movement, followed by High Dance.
Payments to the performers are usually made through the eating of the green vegetable also know as “Choy Cheng†The angpow will be tied to the green for the lion to eat. Choy as in vegetable symbolize wealth. The lion head performer must not drop the angpow, as it would mean bad luck. After he has taken the angpow, he will tear the green vege apart and throw it out first to the left, then to the right and then to the middle to help spread prosperity in all directions. The music will then change to “high dance†and the head will be raised and moved as if the lion is happy to have consumed his prize.
Yesterday, there was a lion dance competition in Penang Gurney Plaza. My family went there to watch. My son likes it a lot, in hokkien lion dance is called “Boo Lan Saiâ€. He uses our blanket to do the lion dance on the bed. He was fascinated with the performance. However Emily didn’t enjoy it and she got bored after the first performance. I had to entertain her with food.
Let’s have the lion dance on my blog, not that I believe it will receive any special blessings. Here’s wishes you a happy and early Chinese New Year!!!

Toy Museum
January 15, 2006
Penang has the largest toy museum in Asia. It has over 100,000 figurines, toys and models of a variety of characters in the toy world. If you step in and admired every single toy, it will take you days. It is located in Tanjung Bungah, very close to the Copthorne Orchid Hotel. Opens from 9am to 9pm daily. Entrance Fees are RM10 per adult and RM6 per child. It is a great place to visit if you are here.
The toys ranges from Star Wars, Lord of the rings, all action figures like Superman, Spideman, Ultraman, Batman, Incredible Hulk, Toys Story, Chicken Little, Barbie, Disney Characters, Harry Potter and some horror characters too.
As usual, Emily and Tim enjoyed the place. One set back about this museum is that it has so many toys, so tempted to take and play with it, but you can only see and not touch. 😥
Enjoy the pictures:
The place:
Mr Bean:
Jacky Chan
Chow Yuen Fatt
Bruce Lee
Tomb Raider
The Beatles
Star Wars
Star Trek
My Dream Car
Incredible Hulk – Emily can copy this charater very well. Yet to capture it on video.
Chicken Little
Little Mouse
Japanese Doll
Warning: The section below contains horror characters, view it at your own risk. Please do not let your children view, they may have nightmares.
The End

New Year
December 30, 2005
The years really passed very fast. My children are growing up too fast. Last year was like just yesterday. When those 2 came into the world, it is so small and fragile. Now they are running around. I am getting old but still young at heart. 😥
My achievements:
1998 – Relocate to Penang.
2000 – Got Married.
2002 – First Son born.
2004 – First Daughter born.
2006 – ?? (Nope, no more children)
Emily grows up very fast. Now she is able to tell mummy to move away. I was in my study room working on the computer. She walked, looked up and said “move move†using her hand gesture. She wanted to sit on mummy’s chair. She climbed up and sat there. She can speak quite a lot of words but refuse to call mummy. See how she eats apple:

Next year, my son will be 4. He speaks Cantonese like “Ang Mo Jaiâ€. Funny, he likes to eat lemon. We went to Bukit Tambun to have seafood. It is the best place to have cheap seafood. I ordered Oysters and it came with lemon. He took the lemon and squeezed it with his teeth. He likes to eat oranges too but I seldom give him because after eating, he will cough.
Off Topic: Cheap Bukit Tambun Seafood.
For 6 adult and 2 children:
1 plate of pointy spiky shell
2 big egg crab – Sweet & Sour Sauce
6 fried soft shell crab
500gm of drunken prawns
1 plate of fried teow chew noodles
1 plate of fried toong fun
1 plate of fired tau fu
1 plate of mixed vegetables
8 pieces of fried “mang tauâ€
1 pot of chrysanthemum tea
Plain rice
Cost: 125++
Map to Bukit Tambun:
There will be sign board showing you to Bukit Tambun after you pass the Bukit Tambun Toll. It is really easy. Don’t go to the first restaurant you see, as you drive inner through a narrow road, you will see plenty of seafood restaurant. The usual one that I often go is Prawn Village.
So much for food, here wishing you a
:dance: Happy New Year!!! :dance:

December 24, 2005

Christmas is not about Santa Claus.
Christmas is not about Exchanging of Gifts.
Definitely Christmas has nothing to do with Christmas Tree.
Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, the Saviour who gave up his divine glory and came to earth to be born in a manger. He came even though he knew he would suffer and die so that he could save us. We who are filthy with sin and we broke off the relationship with God. We do not deserve his sacrificial love for us. Yet he came and gave us new life. Those who believe will be redeem by him and have eternal life with God. He has given us a reason to live, a new meaning to life. Those out there, who are reading this, do think about the true meaning of Christmas.
Have a blessed Christmas and this song is dedicated to you. Of all the Christmas song, I love this one:
Click HERE to hear the song or right click to save the song.
We Were The Reason
As little children
We would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys
We knew we’d find
But we never realized
A baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
We were the reason
That He gave His life
We were the reason
That He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by
We learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves
And what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
A man hung crying in the rain
All because of love, all because of love
I’ve finally found the reason for living
It’s in giving every part of my heart to Him
In all that I do every word that I say
I’ll be giving my all just for Him, for Him
He is my reason to live