Verse Of The Day
“then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.” (Acts 4:10,12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • I didn’t plan much for this school holiday because it is a short one. In order to keep the children busy at home, I got them a science kit from Radio Shack. It has 101 projects to build different electronic experiments. Definitely a fun way to learn about electronics. The instructions are easy to follow. Different parts are color coded and easily snap together. I would recommend to any parents.

      I also took them to the Big Bad Wolf book sale and they got tons of books to keep them occupied for the holidays.

      I guess we will have fun here and there without spending much money.

      That’s a metal detector that she is building below:

      1 Comment
    • Tech Girl

      March 25, 2013

      One day my girl came and showed me what she did on iPad. It has nothing to do with any games. In fact she learned to use KeyNote (from iWork) and created a simple presentation. She does have my genetics. How she learn it? Apparently by following the computer based training. I am so proud of her.

      By the way, I only learn how to do presentation when I was in my University. I had to use the old fashion Word Perfect. There is no drag and drop, tool bars nor user friendly menu. It is mainly command generated done on command line. Yeap, that’s my generation!

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    • Funny Argument

      March 4, 2013

      Kids, they argue all the time. I guess it is part of growing up. One day, Em complained about her school. She drew some pictures on the white board to show me why she was unhappy. Too bad I didn’t take any pictures of that.

      Timothy looked at the white board and made a comment about her picture of her teacher look like an Eskimo. The rest of the argument is in this picture below. I really like her drawing.

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    • Here wishing everyone a blessed Chinese New Year!

      This year my family hosted CNY reunion dinner. Usually we would have it in my mother in law’s place but she told us she wanted to rest. My hubby and I offered to host it. It is the first time to host CNY dinner. I had the menu in mind but shopping was kind of last minute.

      I am glad we had a great meal together!

      1 Comment

    • It all started when Angry Birds Star Wars came on. My son was interested to find out the story of star wars. He kept asking me some of the characters. After that, we went to Big Bad Wolf Book Sale and picked up quite a few books on Star Wars. They read it and found the story very interesting. My girl liked Darth Vader very much, maybe because of the mask.

      So I decided to search for the DVD so our family can watch it together. However, none of the video store sells the series in DVD. I went to search the internet and eBay but shipping charges were quite expensive.

      Finally after some months, I found a seller in eBay selling the trilogy series with a good price inclusive of shipment. I ordered it. Last few days we sat and watched through it. I believed when I watch Star Wars, I was 7 years old. The stuff that I remember is R2D2, light saber, Darth Vader and Harrison Ford. My children like to watch it very much. It sure brings back memories. Now I am still looking for the Prequel Trilogy.

      Next old movie that I would want to watch with my children, maybe Indiana Jones.

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    • Good Brother

      January 28, 2013

      I wish that every sister have a brother like this:

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    • Gifted In Music

      January 20, 2013

      I know I do not have any music talent. My father who didn’t take any music lesson but he is gifted with the harmonica. He can play by ear. I am still finding out if my girl inherited his talent.

      Ever since I bought the piano for her, she did spend time practicing. One day I am hoping she can play other instruments like guitar, violin, harmonica, flute and even cello. It is great to hear her play music on the piano.

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    • First Yew Sang 2013

      January 20, 2013

      Yew Sang is a dish we eat during Chinese New Year. It has mixed vegetables like carrots, radish, ginger, mixed fried crackers and of course the raw salmon. My children like to eat this. There are 2 places I would get this, Sushi King and Jusco Sushi counter and I tell you why. They do not provide any fake coloring stuff as most places do. On top of that, the salmon is quite fresh.

      We had the first 2013 yew sang on 12 Jan 2013 and I am sure there is more to come. Cannot wait for Chinese New Year!!


    • Congratulations to these winners!!! I will be reaching out to you through email on your prize. Thank you the rest for participating. If you want the Monster High dolls, do go to Toys’Rus.

      1. CL Says:

      Given name: Makayla
      Personality: Just as the meaning of the name suggested, ‘who resemble God?’ Makayla has a God like heart and kindness. She has dark shiny hair and striking features, but don’t her beautiful sweet face fool you, she is possessiveness, egotism or has a more dominating personality. She believes she is the leader of all. However, she is optimistic, honest and loyal to her family and friends.

      When she is mad or crossed at something, everybody would know because she screams extremely loud and her hair are all spike up and her finger nails grow longer.

      2. Malaika Says:

      Given name: Violet Tutan
      Personality: She is the only out of wed lock daughter of Tutankhamun. Her distinct feature is her violet hair and voilet-ish skin tone. She loves playing the piano and can sing really well. She loves baking but is a horrible baker. Somehow her baking goods tastes like dirt. Her friends doesn’t have the heart to tell her the truth, so they always pretend that her baking products were delish. They even convinced her to open a pastry shop. She hates dishonest people. When she is angry, she goes back to the violet pyramid and plays The flight of the bumblebee piece.

      3. Jenny Says:

      Lysandera ‘Ly’ Davenport is a skinny and tall elf. She is dark-haired with brown eyes that seem to stare into your soul. She is very pretty but believes herself dimmed in comparison to the other ghouls. She is long-limbed but has very delicate features. She has very pointy elbows and dark eyebrows. Ly is easily upset and can be provoked by mild actions, she’s sensitive. She is strong and witty, and always says straight out what’s she’s thinking. She isn’t shy; on the contrary she’s one of the most confident elves. She is capable of very high things including giving others the confidence that they need. Ly is, in truth, an elf with the power to tell stories so enchanting and powerful that they could capture a person and actually make them feel as though they were living in the story. She also loves singing and nature.

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    • Petrosains Disappointment

      January 9, 2013

      Due to school holidays, Petrosains was flooded with visitors. If I knew I could book through calling in, I would have done it. It was really a horrible experience. I brought my children there at 12 noon but I was only able to get 3:30pm tickets!!

      The Q to get into the ride takes an hour! One family told me that he was there like 10 am but only give 2:30pm tickets. He also told me those came after him was able to get 2pm tickets. I did asked the counter but they told me it was for those who have membership or pre-book tickets. If they can fit people in at 2pm, why can’t they give me 2:30pm tickets? When I got the tickets, the cashier told me that it was full, yeah right?!

      By the way, the cashier also discouraged us from getting the tickets, she told me that by the time I get in, it is time to close. She asked me to come another day! I just shook my head. If they were more efficient, they probably can get people in. The Q to the ride took more than 1 hour??!!

      At 3:30pm, they told us that if you do not want to Q for the ride, we can go in using the lift. Well if the ticket counter staff told us that, we would just done that. After all, we just want to get in and play!

      Lastly at 4:50pm, my girl wanted to go for the slide. The staff told us it has just closed and pointed at the closing time which is 5pm. I show him my watch. He showed me his time which is 4:55pm, 5 minutes faster. I told him that it is still not 5pm! He gave me the excuse that they followed the clock upstairs. I asked him to call his supervisor. He went up to talk to another staff and later willing to let my girl do the ride.

      I think this will be my last visit there! Poor management and worst of all most of the things in there are spoilt and poorly maintained!

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