Verse Of The Day
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:12)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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  • MyBabyBay

    • Know More About Frankie Stein

      Frankie Stein™ daughter of Frankenstein, has a monster sense of style. She has the perfect figure for fashion with touches of black and white and a mix of colors and prints (to celebrate her own “mixed” heritage), this outfit gives fashionistas something to scream for. She has a pet named Watzit™. Her favorite colors are black and white stripes.

      Her freaky flaw is that her stitches sometimes come loose at the worst possible moments. Once her arm flew off at fearleading tryouts and landed right in front of the most creeporific guy at Monster High. She was mortalfied.

      Frankie Stein Doll By Mattel

      She comes with beautiful shiny gold hair with black stripes. She doesn’t look freaky to me. My girl was happy to read her diary and get to know more about her. She wanted to play the iPhone quiz game. She did manage to unlock the code without the electronic key.

      The doll comes with doll stand, brush, diary and accessory. I was reading her diary too and found some very interesting stories about her. Now I do wish Mattel will create a book series on Monster High if they haven’t done it yet. I always love to see my children reading books.

      Emily captured some nice shots on the dolls, don’t you reckon? These dolls are great for Christmas gifts!!!

      Frankie Stein iPhoneApp Quiz Using The Diary


      Next Up, I will introduce Clawdeen Wolfâ„¢ to you. Another fierce but sweet doll.


      Baby Darren

      You have won either a Draculaura or Frankie Stein Doll! For those who didn’t win, wait for the upcoming post for more giveaways!!!

      Please contact asha [at} and provide your delivery address and contact number.

      Baby Darren Says:
      1. Special Exclusive Skeleton Key
      2. My freaky flaw is my “bulging tummy”..people always asked am I pregnant and I told them..”Yes..I am pregnant with fats..and there are not due yet..”So, I embraced it with funny replies to them and of course, I try to wear loose fitting to hide them.

      Sharine Says:
      1) Exclusive Skeleton Key
      2) I’m super scare of chicken, moreover an alive chicken which I dare not go near. But whenever I need to help MIL or my mother to prepare a chicken meal, I make sure I don’t see the whole chicken. So I overcome it by purposely buy chicken with no head, feet, and cut into separated portion then only I can cook. Yes, I’m weird!

      Tatiyana Says:
      I hope I’m not too late. Here goes…
      01. Exclusive skeleton key
      02. I’m socially awkward. I find it hard to interact with people, let alone adjusting myself into new environments. As a result, I only have a small circle of friends. Years have passed though, I am now a lonely soul who ventures alone. It’s not that I dislike company, and would rather enjoyed being confined in solitude. Truth be told, I just don’t have the nerve. I have thought of a thousand ways to make people like me. But instead, all I ever did is scaring them off. It sort of makes me feel inhuman.

      Despite the fact of having affected only a number of people in my life… Well, they like me because of the way I am. And that’s something 🙂

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    • My girl took the final exam but the teachers didn’t reveal her marks or send me the report card. She got some of her papers back but not the Maths & Science. Now how do I gauge how she is doing in school The KSSR System seems to be very ambiguous. Up till now, I still do not understand the system and assessment.

      My girl told me that the teachers only show some of the students the subject marks but not all. For KBSR, at least I know my son’s marks and I can help him to improve on certain subjects or area where he is weak.

      I did receive the band report for my girl. Below is part of her report and it is very hard for me to tell which area I should help my child to improve. Band 6 is the highest. The Moral teacher gave her band 4 although my girl did a lot but the BM teacher gave my band 5 for doing not as much as Moral. The band ranking has nothing to do with her exam marks. She did get 100 for Moral, yet only get band 4.

      But the report doesn’t mean a thing to me as I cannot tell how to help my child to focus on the weak area. I don’t get her exams paper back. Although I know she did above 95 for most subjects. Looks like I need to do my own assessment. This is the downfall of the KSSR System.

    • Tim’s Comic

      November 8, 2012

      Tim loves to draw. Basically he can draw to occupy himself. He creates his own characters, combine it with things he sees or cartoons he watches. Believed me he had draw over thousands of comics over the years. One day I was looking at what he was drawing and I was really pleased with his imagination. Here are some of the pictures.

      Station-ery Battle:

      Glue Attack!

      Sharpener Tanker

      Pencil Jet Got Hit

      Motor Scissors

      1 Comment

      Yes you can be one of the 3 winners to get these lovely dolls for your child either Draculaura or Frankie Stein doll. The dolls are worth are between RM79.90 and RM99.90. Even if you are a teenager, you also can participate. Contest is open to anyone with a Malaysian address. The comment box is opened for you to type your answers. READY??!!

      To enter, it is very simple. Answer these questions below in your own words in the comments box.

          1. What comes with the Draculaura Sweet 1600 set that automatically invites you to the party?
          2. What’s your Freaky Flaw and how do you embrace it?

      Simple right? Hint to Q1 is in here. Remember to leave your email address so that we can contact you if you win! All the best!

      Closing Date: Fri 11th Nov 2012.
      Results Date: Week of the 12th Nov
      Open to all who has a Malaysian address to ship the doll to!

      *Hint*:Be very creative in answering Q2 so that your answers stand out, increase your chances of winning! 🙂


      Next up, do you know who Frankenstein daughter is? She is BFF with Draculaura. She wears a very cool blue outfit! And she is only 15 days old. I will share more in the next post. Stay tune and read it so that you can win more dolls for your child.

    • Exams Done

      October 30, 2012

      Exams are over for the year for my children. They just declared holidays. Their school is a little weird because my son had his exams earlier then followed by my girl. There are things they have to put away until after exams like watching TV, playing computer games and movie night. Because of this the sister has to wait for the brother to finish and vice versa. I would prefer both having exams on the same week.

      Another strange thing is that the teachers request them to return all the borrow text and workbooks. I wonder after they return them, what are they going to do in school? I will assume that there is no teaching or homework. They just go to school and wait until bell rings. How silly??!!

      I asked my children to bring books to school to read. My girl also told me that one of her teacher told her she will be on leave. Wow I guess she cannot wait till school break. It always makes me wonder about Malaysia Education System, has it gone down the drain?

      What’s next?

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    • Know More About Draculaura

      Draculauraâ„¢ is turning 1600 and is throwing the party of the millennium. She is the daughter of Dracula. She wears a beautiful outfit to celebrate her 1600th birthday. She still looks pretty at age of 1600. She loves to splash her black outfit with her pink frilly umbrella.

      She has a Freaky Flaw which is she has no reflection on the mirror. Imagine going out of the house, without knowing her clothes or makeup are right. She did manage to overcome it by practicing. Her least favorite subject is Geography.

      Draculaura Doll By Mattel

      Emily was pretty excited with the doll. She carried with her everywhere. Draculaura comes in a beautiful dress, lots of lace and shine. The doll came with a doll stand, a brush, exclusive skeleton key invite, scary cool outfit, and a birthday present.

      Emily styled her and took many pretty pictures of her. A very pretty doll, I must say. It is a great doll to have and it is an excellent gift for any girls, especially to girls who like spooky things.

      Special Exclusive Skeleton Key

      Let me tell you the secret of the special exclusive skeleton key. You can download the (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) app from iTunes called Monster High Sweet 1600 Birthday Party. You are automatically invited with the exclusive skeleton key.

      Here is a special video to show you how to get to the party with the special key. You can unlock the door without going through the quizzes. It is also fun if you want to crack the code with those interesting quizzes.


      Yes, you can win either Draculaura or Frankie Stein dolls for your girl! Stay Tune for the next post. 3 pretty dolls will be given out to 3 winners! I am so excited. You can get the doll for free.

      Next Up

      Meet Frankie Stein & Clawdeen Wolf on the upcoming posts.

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    • Team Family

      October 23, 2012

      I was reading someone’s blog and she was reviewing some Barbie products. At the end of her review, she mentioned there will be a giveaway contest.

      The main thing of the contest is to write a slogan. I came up with the skeleton of the slogan. I told my children that we will join the contest and we have to think of something related to design and fashion starting with these letters F, A, S, H, I, O, N.

      They started writing it on the white board. Some of the words that they came up with were sexy, fat, super, horrible, naughty, silly, haunted, alien and many other funny ones that I have forgotten.

      Anyway, here is what we came up with in the end for the slogan.

      Notable Design

      I was so excited that the blogger told me that we have won. First time, having a family team effort to win a contest is priceless moment. I am sure there are many more contests in the future that we put our heads together. I love joining contests. It is not the prize but the satisfaction of winning.

      Here is what we won! My girl is happy with the reward but she has to wait till her exam to be over before she can play.

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    • Monster High Dolls

      October 22, 2012

      What makes a happy girl? Gifts of dolls, of course! Did you see her big smile? Well you can win one of these if you follow my blog. You can also make your girl happy. Yeap, there will be giveaway of these dolls soon! Look out for it.

      Monster High Dolls from Mattel are penetrating into Malaysia toys market. Just in time to celebrate Halloween. These are frighteningly fashionable teenage children of the world’s most famous monsters! Their parents are well known characters such as Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf and others.

      I will be introducing the dolls to you in the upcoming post on Draculaura Sweet 1600 Doll. These dolls are suited for older age children, even teenagers.

      Again, keep reading and you can win one of these dolls. I am so excited to give it to you!


      To find out more about this dolls, please visit

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    • Early Christmas Shopping

      October 18, 2012

      I told you I will show you what I got from CottonOn. Here ya go! I took the opportunity of the FREE SHIP. I love my RM6 sandals and my RM15 shoes. The flip flops were a steal, RM6 each. There were 2 tops that I got. One which they send me the wrong order and credited me for their mistake. The other one, the material was a little thin. No more online shopping for clothes, it always doesn’t turn out right.

      First Order:

      2nd Order:

      I also ordered shoes for my girl but both times, the sizes were wrong. I cannot believe it! Well I will give it to my friend’s daughter. So far I like what I ordered.

      Now I have to buy over RM250 to get freeship. I will stop spending money for now.

      By the way another GOOD NEWS, watch my blog, soon there is some FREE GIVEAWAYS! I am SO EXCITED!!!!

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