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  • MyBabyBay

    • Emily Orientation School Day

      December 31, 2010

      It was a long and tiring half day for me. It started at 7:30am. I told Emily to sleep early because she is not a morning person. She woke up with a happy face, a good start. She was all excited wearing her new uniform and dragging her new power puff girls roller bag. The orientation was supposed to start at 8:30am but I was surprised that many of the parents were early.

      I had to send Emily to the class for a diagnostic test. Poor thing, first day she has to take exam for class streaming. 95% of the students were already seated and the teacher started to brief them on the test. It was only 8:15am. They started the test before 8:30am.

      I stood outside the class to peep at the question paper. I saw Maths and BM questions. The BM section had making simple sentences with words provided. Last section I heard from Emily was Maths in BM, translating the BM words into Maths equation and solving the problem. Guess who was sweating? Not the students but the parents standing outside. One of the parents who were also the teacher of the school told me, she was shocked to see the tough questions too. Anyway, I am glad Emily did well, she gotten into the class she wanted. There were more than 300 students in Std 1 and only 2 Chinese gals, no Chinese boys.

      It was a long day because we had to wait for the teachers to mark the paper and stream the students in the class accordingly. I wonder why they don’t do this on the 1st week of school. It was kind of ambitious for the school to do it all in 1 day. 2nd part was for parents to submit the forms, pay the school fees, get the new books and measure the child for sportswear.

      By the way, I have to say kudos to the headmaster, he gave a 2 hour speech in the hall, while the students were having the test. Fortunately for me, there was wifi in the school to keep me company.

      If you notice in the picture, she will be the first batch who will do Maths & Science in BM. I was hoping that she will escape from the change because it was suppose to implement in year 2012. It is kind of sad but I guess I have to teach her Maths & Science in English.

    • Breathtaking Langkawi View

      December 28, 2010

      We went up to one of Langkawi Sky Bridge using cable cars, located in Oriental Village.

      It is a breathtaking view up there. However because I am a little height phobia, walking on it gave me goose bumps. Fortunately I didn’t faint. My children felt nothing and kept walking without any problem. I am glad that their hiking experience paid off as I can see some guys stopping to take rest climbing up the stairs.

      The weather was nice, not too hot. You must go there if you are in Langkawi. Here is some pictures to show you the great view.

      Oriental Village, looks the same after all these years.

      The Q to the cable car.

      The Breathtaking View

    • Langkawi Underwater World

      December 25, 2010

      The last time I set foot here was back in 2005. I was a little disappointed then because the Penguin section was under renovation.

      Today, the place didn’t change much but I was impressed that the Penguin section is fairly big, 2 big sections for 2 types of Penguin. However when I looked at the Penguin, I feel sad for them because they are caged. They looked bored. Anyway that’s was the major part of the attraction in Langkawi Underwater World.

      The rest were the usual sea creatures like coral fish, stingray, sharks, jelly fish and all types of fishes.
      My children like to see the Penguin but only for a short while as they were distracted by a digital light game that shines on the ground. That was the most fun they have in there.

      By the way, if you bring your myKad, you get a discount on the entrance fee. Enjoy the pictures.

      Meet The Penguins…poor thing…

      Got distracted with the game…

      Must take a shot with the penguin…

      My favorite shot

      A choc chip cookie…opps no, a star fish

      Penguin In Action:

      Stingray In Action:

      1 Comment
    • Penang Turf Club Open Day

      December 18, 2010

      Penang Turf Club having an open day from 17th – 19th 10am – 6pm, lots of activities for the kids. I was afraid of the crowd, so we decided to go early. However there was not a big crowd, maybe due to gloomy weather.

      First stop, we went for the carriage ride, RM 4 per person for 2 rounds. Emily was dying for a pony ride, so it was next on the list. She did ride on the pony for RM3 and it was just 1 small round. Tim was not interested.

      Then, Emily wanted face painting, actually hand painting. First I paid RM 2 for a small butterfly, then I saw one girl who draws very well. Later Emily wanted a big butterfly with her. Other activities were clown show, puppet show, sand art, clay art and of course visiting the horses or ponies. It was a great family day and a tiring one too.

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    • Kitchen Stuff

      December 18, 2010

      I am glad that when I designed my kitchen, I made lot of kitchen cabinets and a stainless bar to hang my kitchen utensils. I love shopping at the household mall to look for things to make my kitchen need.

      If you are designing your kitchen, you can look at for ideas. I got most of my ideas from web and visiting kitchen displays. For mothers like us, we spend substantial time in the kitchen and it has to be practical for us. I hope that I can spend more time there to make special meal for my family.

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    • Barbie Makeover

      December 15, 2010

      Queensbay Mall is having a Barbie Fashion Event till 26th Dec 2010. There was also a photo shoot for girls who would like to dress themselves as Barbie. Emily liked it very much when she saw it and I let her be Barbie for 30 minutes. :giggles: A dream come true for her. I can see her grinning ear to ear.

      The makeup, photo shoot, rental for princess dress, fake hair, fake lashes, stocking and shoes are free. If you want to participate in the contest, you need to pay RM20. You get 1 photo and 1 Barbie T-shirt. If you like the photos, you can sign up for the package at RM 199, RM 399 or RM 599 respectively.

      I find that the photo shooting was professional as they have a choreographer to help with the pose. It was like my bridal shooting.

      I managed to select 10 photos from the collection and 1 for the contest. I believed there were over 50 shoots made. The album will be done in Jan and I cannot wait to see it. Second time we visit, Emily wants to do it all over again. *rolleyes*

      Before Makeup:

      During Makeup:

      After Makeup & Fake Hair – Yeap doesn’t look like her


    • Mangrove Tour In Langkawi

      December 9, 2010

      I am sure you are anxious about my Langkawi vacation. I am sorting out the pictures that is why it took some time.

      First to share is the Mangrove Tour. We woke up early for this because we want to avoid the sun but the weather was cooling, not so hot. We started at 8am, drove 30 minutes from our hotel to Kilim Jetty. My poor kids had to have breakfast in the car.

      Mangrove Tour is a must to see if you are in Langkawi. You can go to Kilim Jetty and book a boat for 1,2 or 3 hours. I would say 2 hours is just nice. If you want to go for a swim which I don’t recommend, you can go for 3 hours. The rate for 1,2 and 3 hours are RM200,RM300 and RM400 respectively for a boat. I managed to get 3 hours for RM330.00.

      What is inside the tour?
      – Mangrove Sightseeing
      – Fish Farm with fish feeding, kids would love this.
      – Crocodile Cave which has no crocodile
      – Eagles Feeding, lots of eagle flying. Great sight!
      – Bat Cave, lots of bats…..sleeping
      – Andaman Sea, nothing there…
      – Icon Kilim Geoforest Park, nothing there…

      Look at the pictures for yourselves…don’t you feel like going too?

      Fish Farm Feeding:

      1 Comment
    • Appreciated

      December 7, 2010

      Finally this blog got ranked after all these years. I hope it will continue to climb. I am so so happy. 😀

      Thank you for dropping by my blog. If you never leave a comment before, just say hello in my comment box.

      Page Rank

    • Langkawi Loot

      December 5, 2010

      I was able to get free AA tickets a year ago for this Langkawi trip. I took my family for a fun vacation. Thanks to a friend who helped me to make booking with Berjaya Spa & Resort Hotel. It was a great stay at kampong chalet. However the hotel rooms are not up to a 5 start standard but the resort was great. They should do something about their rooms.

      I got lots of good stuff from Langkawi except a bottle of wine. I wanted to get a nice bottle of red wine but I just could not find the brand I wanted.

      I got Corningware, 1 5L, 1 3L and 1 1.5L cooking set. It was only RM350.00, retail is RM589.00 What a good bargain!! Thanks to my hubby who helped me to carry it back. The shop that I went to is called Idaman Suri, it has lots of selection on Corningware, Vision, Corelle and others.

      Next I got chocolates, those yummy chocolates. I got lots of Ritter Sport, one of my favorite chocolates. I got some liquor chocolates too. I tell you they have so many varieties and I don’t really know what to choose. Look for yourself!

      I didn’t get much dry seafood or cuttlefish, although it is cheap. I guess Penang has it so it was not worth carrying back here.

      More about the trip later when I have time to sort the pictures….